Chapter 33- Control

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Ozaki's P.O.V.

Months went by and Naraku hasn't had me do much. I was getting somewhere with the shard but it was slow. I have been able to hide my baby from Naraku. My stomach hasn't grown much but that was normal and I was grateful for that. I have been given a direct order to watch Sesshomaru and report on any changes. So I guess you could say I never missed anything.

I was there when Sesshomaru lost his Tokijin. I was there when when he got his Meido Zangetsuha. I couldn't help but be proud of him for becoming stronger.

I was there when he nearly lost Rin again. I almost broke down mentally when this happened. I wished to run up to her and cry and hold her lifeless body but I couldn't. I was there when Sesshomaru got his Bakusaiga. I knew that, that sword would be the end of Naraku.

I was there when Kagura confessed. Well sort of confessed her love to Sesshomaru before she died. I didn't mind Kagura, yes we got off to a bad start with her taking Rin and all but I had grown to like her. I respected that all she wished was to be as free as the wind she used. Coarse I was a bit jealous since I was in love with Sesshomaru as well.

"Ozaki I need you." I heard Naraku's voice echo from the Saimyosho. I turned my head and looked at the bees with emotionless purple eyes. (Like picture) I looked at Sesshomaru and Rin once more before dashing off.

My heart grieved for poor Rin. When I was captured she cried her eyes out. She hasn't been the same since. She is now quiet and always looks at the ground in a daze. I arrived at Naraku's abode and walked up to him calmly.

"I think it is time Ozaki. I need that dog demon eliminated."

'NO!' I screamed at myself but I couldn't do anything.

'NO! Not again. Please.' My body moved on its own accord.

'Dragon do something!' I tried to stop myself.

'I can't I can no longer control my movements. The jewel has taken full control.' I struggled against the power of the jewel. I arrived back where my companies were and stood there staring at Sesshomaru.

"Ozaki?" Rin made her way toward me but Sesshomaru stopped her.

"She is not herself Rin. She is being controlled by a jewel shard." Rin took a step back. I stood still as Sesshomaru ran at me aiming for my forehead. I moved my head to the side and I felt his claws fly by my head. I gripped his wrist and dug my claws into it.

He growled in frustration. I released my grip and he instantly went for his Bakusaiga. I lifted my hand to block the sword. I saw my hand change from skin to thick black dragon scales. I easily grabbed his sword and took it from him and threw it aside.

He tried to go for it but I beat him. I summoned my dagger and stabbed him in the side.

'No! Stop!' I felt tears appear in my vision. Not only in my mental body but my physical one as well. I could tell that Sesshomaru noticed because his eyes widened. He jumped away taking the dagger with him. When he got a distance away he pulled it out and threw it on the ground.

I launched myself at him. He got up and prepared himself. I moved to the right and behind him. As I did so I reached out a hand and grabbed his ankle. He caught himself though. His hand shot out and he flipped into a standing position but before he could turn around I ran my claws threw his back.

He collapsed to the ground. I jumped on his back growling. One hand was on the side of his head the other held his head to the ground. One foot pressed into his wound the other rested on the ground next to him.

"Why don't you fight me seriously? If you know what's good for you you'll stay down." I got up off him and smirked.

"Maybe I will let you watch me kill your friends." My voice was demonic.

'NO!' I screamed at myself to stop. I started walking toward Rin and Jaken. Jaken got in front and tried being brave. I scoffed and knocked him out of the way. I smirked as I lifted my hand to strike Rin down.

'NOOOOOOOO!' I screamed at the top of my lungs and put myself back into control. Or tried to anyways.

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