Chapter 20- Kiss

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Ozaki's P.O.V.

We sat on the ground just staring at each other. I wasn't sure how long we sat there but it felt like an eternity. I had the force myself to look away. But after doing so I felt his arm come off my waist and he brought two fingers under my chin and lifted my head to look at him again.

I obeyed and looked at him again. He hand moved again but this time to my cheek as he gently caressed it. I shivered slightly at his touch. He leaned in closer. Was he really considering it? Could he really love me or was the bond controlling him?

The next thing I know his lips are on mine. His lips are warm and soft. I can barely control myself and I kiss back. I bring my arms around his neck as he moves his around my waist. He shifts and lowers me to the ground. We break our kiss for some air. I practically gasp for it as Sesshomaru plants kisses down my neck.

He finds my tender spot and I moan as he kisses it. I feel him smirk slightly against my skin. I felt his fangs on my skin as he bit down gently. I winced slightly but it soon went away. I returned the gesture by marking him as well. He moaned in pleasure.

I pulled him closer bringing him in an embrace. He returned the gesture and pulled me close to him. I let my deep dragon purrs fill his ears. as we remained in each others arms for what seemed like forever.

The rest of the next was a very pleasant one the cause being that we were in each others arms. He was mine and I was his. We were finally one.

The next morning I awoke to sun shining brightly on my eyes. I noticed that Sesshomaru was not here anymore. I stood up and put my clothes back on and went to find Rin. I quickly found her and she jumped happily into my open arms.

"Where were you Ozaki? You and Sesshomaru disappeared last night we got worried. Is Sesshomaru with you?" I chuckled lightly at her rambling.

"I'm sorry Rin if we worried you. I had a lot on my mind yesterday." She nodded in understanding. I smiled and threw her gently into the air. She let out a scream which woke Jaken. I caught her and she started laughing. Jaken rubbed his eyes grumbling under his breath.

"Master Jaken Ozaki's back." She exclaimed happily. I set her down and lift my head trying to find Sesshomaru. I could tell that he hadn't been around here in a while. I closed my eyes and stretched out my senses. I found him walking peacefully I could tell that he had a lot on his mind. I felt something tug on my dress.

"Ozaki. You don't know where Sesshomaru do you?" I smiled.

"A minute ago I didn't but I do know." She looked a little confused.

"I can expand my senses for many miles." Her face brightened.

"That's amazing." I chuckled lightly and a sly smirk appeared on my face. Rin noticed it and took a step back. I looked at her playfully. She dashed into the bushes on the far side of our little camp. I listened to her small footsteps run through the woods.

I then dashed after her. Easily tracking her and quickly catching up thanks to my demon speed. I jumped into a tree above her and jumped in front of her. She froze, spun and ran off into the other direction. I could hear her light giggles ring through the forest.

My eyes widened when I realized where she was headed. I ran after her and caught up just in time. I caught the back of her kimono right before she took her last step over a cliff. I sighed in relief. I pulled her into my arms as she sat there in shock that she almost ran off a cliff.

"Rin I need to tell you something." She nodded.

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