Chapter 36- Kai

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Sesshomaru's P.O.V.

We had finally managed to kill Naraku and destroy the jewel. Yes when I say we I actually had to work with my mutt of a brother.

I was in a bit of a rush because I had heard Ozaki's scream and I was getting worried. Rin, Jaken and Ah-Un were following behind me, perfectly healthy.

I landed outside the village. The villagers were rushing around the village fixing houses and caring for the wounded. I saw pair of women walk by me. They whispered to each other.

"Is that Ozaki's beloved?" Their whisper where quiet for normal humans but not me.

"Yay I think so. Do you think he knows she's in labor?" That question made me freeze. She's in labor? I quickened my pace. I could hear Jaken and Rin scrambling to keep up.

I could smell Ozaki but she was no where in the village. I followed her scent out of the village. We soon came to a small hut in the trees. I stopped abruptly when I heard her scream.

"Lord Sesshomaru was that Ozaki?" I looked back at Rin, who looked very worried.

"Get some rest Rin." She nodded obediently and walked over to Ah-Un and layed against him.

"Jaken take her to the village." He looked at me surprised.

"Yes mi Lord." He bowed and walked off. I walked toward the door of the small house. It was currently quiet. Not a sound coming form inside. Before I could enter the old priestess came out and stopped me.

"Nay ye mustn't come in. Not yet." I growled at her but obeyed. I took a step back and she turned around and went back inside.

Three hours went and the screams continued. I was nervously pacing. Some of Inuyasha's friends had arrived. For some reason Inuyasha and that strange girl weren't here.

Over the short time that Ozaki had stayed at this village she had grown to like some of the people of Inuyasha's group. Though they did respect who they were loyal to.

I lifted my head and looked at the door. It has been strangely quiet for a while now. He stood staring at the door waiting and just as he expected the old women came out and looked at me. She looked tired and exhausted.

"Ye are able to go see her know. I will get your friend once ye is done." I walked into the hut and saw my Ozaki sitting on the floor leaning against the far wall. She was looking at a small bundle in her arms.

I walked closer. She looked up at me and smiled. Her eyes were tired and full of love. I sat next to her and looked at the bundle in her arms. A small baby boy lay cradled in the cloth. He had short silver hair matching both mine and Ozaki's and pointed ears. He had gold markings similar to mine. He had two lines under his eyes with three small dots under them.

The child must have sensed me because he opened his eyes. I stared in amazement at them. They were a perfect reflection of Ozaki's but a bit of a darker red. They seemed to take in everything about me. When he was finished he smiled.

"Would you like to hold him?" Ozaki's voice broke through my trance. I stared at her like she was crazy. I would surely hurt the child. Ozaki shifted and positioned her arms above mine. She lower the child into my arms. She told me to cradle his neck and head. I soon got into the correct position and looked down at the small child in my arms.

Ozaki rested against the wall again. I could see that she was truly tired. She looked up at me with a weak smile.

"What shall we name him?" I looked at the child again. He deserved a name and a noble one too.

"How about Kai. I think it suits him." I thought about it for a second and nodded.

"Kai it is then." I liked that name. It was easy to say and simple yet stated something about this boy. I looked at the boy now named Kai and he giggled lightly at the sound of his new name.

"Welcome to the family my son." I cradled the child gently while Ozaki slept peacefully.

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