Shoot Day.

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A.N- the italics are cals thoughts!! Enjoy.


Today was the day we make the video for our new single 'over and over.' I'm so excited but nervous, will the fans like it? I hope so, we've played it a few times live and they seem to dig it. Lukes chorus is my favourite, he gets so in to it and he sings with so much passion. He's so cute, it's a shame I'm not really gay. The plan is going pretty well, all the fans think anything Luke sings is about me and he seems to blush when people say that. It's scary sometimes, how nervous he gets about it all, I just hope it isn't affecting him too much. Besides it was his idea...

I was cut off from my thoughts. It was the director for my scene. I had to run around the by the sea and act like I was having a fabulous beach party. In fact, I've never been to a beach party.
"Right, Cal you're going to stand by here and Luke is going to run and jump on to your back and you're going to act like you love it. It seems to please the fans and keep them interested."

Of course, anything to please them

"Okay let's go!"
I look over to Luke to see him receive a reassuring look from Ash because he looks so worried, it is actually concerning. He jumps on my back and as I look back at him he turns a deep shade of pink in his cheeks. Butterflies erupted in my stomach.

Oh no, what is this?

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2016 ⏰

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