Chapter 9.

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Author's Note: I just realized I skipped number 6. Anyways... I haven't been getting votes or comments, so can ya'll, as my readers, give me some of those. I know its been forever, but here is Chapter 10. Enjoy ^.^

Faith's POV

My head slightly pounded still from my "infamous" fall. I layed on my bed sketching drawings of my wrapped up foot. The big toe stuck out a bit revealing itself for all to see. Unfortunately the fall sprang my foot. I'm surprised it didn't break, but it is what it is. The door shut, and I looked up to see Kai walking towards me with food. He hasn't left my side since the incident two days ago. He has been so sweet.

"How you feeling, baby? I brought you some Mcdonalds." His voice washed over my body leaving visible goosebumps. He doesn't know the effect he has on me. But, I love the feeling right down to every goosebump.

"Awe Kai! You didn't have to. I'm okay. My head is pounding a little still." He came over quickly sitting down the food and feeling my head. I stared at him with an odd look and grabbed his hand from my forehead. "Babe, I just told you I'm okay."

"Well I wanna make sure. You sure, baby?" He asked with concerned written all over his handsome face.

"Yes, yes I am. Now can I get my kiss." I smiled up at him with his hand still in mine. I pulled him towards me quickly which resulted with his face hovering centimeters from mine. His warm fingers slid over my cheek and stopped at my chin holding it lightly. He pulled my lips towards his slowly putting our lips on one anothers. The kiss was amazing. His lips carassed mine gently sending me in a blissful trance. His enchanting scent drugged me pulling me even further into want. I wrapped my arms around his neck deepening the kiss with more desire. He nipped my bottom lip and pulled back. I opened my eyes reluctantly and stared into his green orbs.

"Wow." He whispered. His minty breath chilled my lips and filled my nose. I bit my lips and looked at him under my lashes still under his spell.

"Wow is an understatement. Just one simple kiss sent me floating and straight to heaven." I said smiling shyly. I unwrapped my arms from his neck and scooted on one side of the bed. He layed be side me and grabbed a tray for the food. I felt his soft lips on my cheek and his hand grip mine.

"I know exactly what you mean. We can definently kiss more, but you have to eat first." He put the tray in my lap. I pouted looking at him and turned towards the tray. My expression quickly changed into a smile as I looked down at my favorite.

"Yay!" I exclaimed childlike. I munched loudly letting out little 'nomnomnom' sounds. Kai laughed and turned on the t.v. "When do I get to go home?" I asked him. He obviously knew. He has been nagging the doctors constantly.

"Tomorrow. I wouldn't really say home though..." His voice trailed of warily.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"You are staying with me at the pack house..." My eyes widened, and I dropped the food in my hands. I opened my mouth to speak and saw him flinch. He was scared of my reply.

"What about my home? My parents? My room? My stuff? I don't want to leave everything I've known forever behind." My voice started cracking. My hands shook in my lap. I was no longer hungry. I was instead hurting, because I knew I couldn't fight it. The same thing happened to Jane yesterday. Tears trailed down my face as I pulled myself to the edge of the hospital bed.

"Oh my! Faith don't be sad. I just want you to understand that I'm alpha of my pack, and you will soon become luna. I talked to your parents and they were very understanding." I looked back at him quickly. It was that easy for my parents to give me away. Nice to know they care. I took in a deep breath and wiped my tears.

" Everyone in your pack will hate me." I said quietly. He pulled me into his lap and curled me into his hard and firm chest.

"No they won't. They will have to come to me if they have any complaints. Which I doubt that will happen, because I'm quite the scary person." He smirked. I laughed at the thought of Kai being scary. He was too sweet and nice to be rude. "See I got you to laugh. Think about it baby. You'll have fun meeting the pack, and I'm sure they will all love you." I nodded and started to eat slowly again. My mind flashed with thoughts of how staying with other wolves besides Kai would be like. The tv played in the background as I slid the tray on my bedside table. Kai grabbed my free hand and played with my fingers. I smiled looking at him, while he was distracted by football.

"Kai, I'm tired. But, I don't want you to go." I bit my lip.

"No worries. I wasn't leaving anyways. I know you need your sleep, so I'll happily be your pillow." He did his typical sideways smile. I snuggled against him laying my head softly on his shoulder.

*Kai's POV*

I stared at my little angel. Faith was so gorgeous when she slept. Her mouth opened slightly leaving an adorable child-like look to her features. She would scrunch her face everyonce in a while moving her nose. Her hand moved to where it was gripping my shirt lightly. I shifted where her leg was in a better position and kissed her cheek lightly resting my head on hers. My eyes drifted closed for sleep with final thoughts of my little angel.

----Next Day------

Something shook me awoke. I opened my eyes slowly meeting face to face with Faith. Her nose was touching mine, and she giggled at my surprised face. I tilted my face making my lips lightly brush her sending explosive tingles down my spine. She leaned in more deepining the kiss. I pulled her on my lap gripping her waist in my hands. She was tiny compared to my big build. She opened her lips slightly gasping at the sudden change in positioning. I slid my tongue into her mouth moving it around with hers. She moaned a little and latched her fingers in my hair. I moved my lips off of hers and traveled kisses on her neck nibbling slightly. Her back arched in pleasure, and she let out an even sexier moan than the one before. I pulled back smiling as I watched her pout.

"We shouldn't be doing that here anyways. Plus, you need to get ready to leave." I smiled to myself about the thought of me waking up with Faith by my side everyday.

I wheeled Faith to my truck. She looked a bit down and nervous about going to my pack house. I knew my pack would love her. Her sassy but bubble attitude was very contagious. Her smile was crippling. Everything about her... Just everything was perfect. How could the pack not like her?

I stopped the wheelchair in front of the passenger side door. Faith grabbed the handle pulling herself up and swiftly climbing in. I loaded the wheelchair in the back and climbed in the truck also. I grabbed Faith's hand, and she looked at me giving my hand a slight squeeze.

"Can I get a smile?" I asked her with a smirk. She smiled brightly still silent. My heart panged, and I couldn't help but lean over and kiss her soft lips. She kissed back and quickly moved back.

"Lets go." Faith whispered. She bit her lip and turned to look out the window. She never let my hand go. Why she was so scared? I have no idea. But I love her. Therefore, the pack will accept her as my mate.



Don't hate me... Its been over like 3 months. I did editing as I said before. Anyways, what do you think the pack will do about Faith? I will upload much faster.

Comment! Vote! Please?!?!?!?! HaHa Byeee!!


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