Chapter 6.

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Aiden's POV

I walked out of school fuming. The worst part about it is that I know that she is his mate. I still want her, I-I need her. I don't know why her, but its just her. I got in my car and drove to my pack house. I need to talk to my beta and best friend, Liam. I am the alpha of my pack Silver Moon. Actually I'm not alpha yet, because I need to mate. I walked into the pack house and went straight to his room.

"Alpha Aiden! what do you need?" He asked patting my shoulder.

"Well right now I really need my best friend." I told him wiping down my face. He lifted his eyebrow at me. 

"What is it?" He asked gesturing for me to sit in a chair.

"Well," I sighed "You know how on my birthday I never found my mate. I talked to the Wolf Council and they told me.. well they told me I can choose my-y mate." I have no idea why that was so hard to come out.

"Thats a good thing!" He said searching my face for an expression. "Right?"

"Well, I chose who I wanted, but she already has a mate. Now I'm connected with her but she doesn't feel it. Or at least I don't know if she does. I'm taking things to fast. I know she doesn't feel that same way , and Ugh.. I got myself in a mess." I put my head in my hands. This is a lot of stress. I don't want to take someone's mate, but she is also becoming mine.

"All I can say is that you are going to need to be slow with her. But, I think its best if you go to talk to the council again." Liam advised. When his last words came out I stood up.

"Well lets go!" I said grabbing his arm and dragging him along with me towards my car. When we got outside I let him go and hopped in. Time to take a long ride to the Council.

The 7 hour ride consisted of us talking about random things, making pit stops, and listening to music. We switched driving a couple of times, but now I'm driving again. Though we talked most of the ride, my mind was distracted with thoughts of Faith. I'm starting to fall for her and its only been two weeks. Plus, out of all people her mate has to be Kai! Kai! The guy who I used to be friends with until that was ruined. The guy that took me from my original pack. The guy I almost lost my family for. I'm not gonna lie when I say I miss our friendship, but for how everything turned out... It wasn't worth it. It wasn't worth all the fight I put up. Either way I lost someone. Whether it was my family or my ex best friend. I don't want to take his mate after all that has happened. The worst part is neither one of us have the balls to apologize. I was now gripping the wheel so tight that my knuckles were white, and Liam seemed to notice my tight expression.

"Uh... Hey bro you okay?" He asked touching my forearm. I stared at the road with my gaze tight. I'm really starting to get tired of this fucking life shit.

"Yeah, Can you just drive the rest of the way there?" I asked. He nodded, and I pulled over to the side of the road. "Thanks." I mumbled as we switched seats. The rest of the way there I sat on the passenger seat thinking about my past with Kai and hopeful future with Faith. About half a hour later Liam drove us through the trees, and into the mansion that was housed with the Council.

"Well lets go." Liam said unbuckling his seat belt and getting out. I followed suit and walked behind him to the door. We rang the bell listening as it chimed throughout the entire building. Moments later the door opened putting us face to face with an Elder.

"Hello, May I help you?" Even though we were in America his accent was thick with English.

"Yes. I am Aiden alpha of the Silver Moon pack." I spoke up. He nodded telling me to go on. "I came to talk to you about mates. I was here once before, but I never met you."

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