Chapter 34: Exposed

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Kunoichi's POV

I stood on a small building in a remote village a few miles from Ninjago City. The breeze of the spring weather flipping through my hair. My cloak was flowing backwards, exposing my black pant legs completely. My black hood was down and crumbled against the fabric outline of my back. My combat boots were firmly planted on the ground and my brown, wooden bow rested in my hand, my fingers wrapped around the hilt. I had a smile planted on my face, just listening to the sound of nature.

Until I felt a change in the wind, I snapped out of my thoughts and whipped my hood up, along with my mask that covers my nose and chin. I grabbed an arrow out of the bag on my back and struggled to fit in on the bow. I did and spun around on my heel with my bow and arrow ready to shoot, my left arm forwards and right arm back, folded along the bow structure.

I bent my right knee slightly, my large, bulky knee brace protecting it from harm, it wrapped around my right knee and halfway up my thigh, metal bars attached to sockets on the shin and thigh, balancing the knee and helping me move it without pain.

I faced the five ninja, all colors, black, white, green, blue and red. I sucked in my breathe and held my position, not firing my weapon but threatening to. "What do you want?" I asked, manually changing my voice because the voice manipulator was broken at the time. "We want to know who you are. Tell us." Cole demanded.

I scowled and glared into his eyes, although he could not see my eyes because of the hood. "Your own good is the free of your own will." I told them with an expressionless tone, Jay threw his hands up and complained in frustration, "What does that even mean?" He shouted out.

I dropped my weapon and returned the arrow to the bag along my back, but I kept the arrow in my hand to the side of my waist. "You were supposed to have figured it out by now." I grinned, "We weren't supposed to do anything, you are the one unworthy of being a ninja." Lloyd corrected. My heart sank as he said those words, if only-- no! "What is that leading onto?" I questioned angrily as I stepped forwards, "You are a coward! What use is the bow and arrow? It's a hide and seek weapon! You think you are--"

I cut the green ninja off by yanking off my hood and pulling down my mask, he gasped and stepped back, the other ninja stared in awe and were to surprised to say a word. But I did, --

Emma's POV

"So glad you feel that way about me!" I screamed, I turned around on my heel and limped away carefully. I must be the luckiest girl in the world because I got to hear my boyfriend tell me I'm a coward! What girl doesn't want that?!

I slid down the side of the broken structure and stood in the center of the town, staring at the rubble infront of me, "Emma wait!" Lloyd called. I stood with my arms crossed and faced away from them all. Jay began to cheer, he was right, but he wasn't close to knowing it was me when I was the kunoichi all along, Alyssa was. She had the proof. Jay had an accusation.

"I wasn't--"

"Thinking it was me? Weren't thinking that your girlfriend was capable of being the kunoichi?! Well I am! I'm so damn tired of everyone thinking that I have to have powers to be a ninja!" I argued as I turned to face them. Cole grabbed my arm and looked me in the eye, I am not scared of him anymore, this is just him now, "You told me no more secrets, you promised me."

"If you let me I will explain everything, above all else I'm sorry!" I yelled out. Kai stepped forwards and smiled at me, he patted my shoulder and bowed infront of me, "I did this once, I will do it again, I still think you're a fearless warrior, kunoichi. Nya pulled a stunt like this, and I accepted her for it, as I will do to you. Congrats kiddo." He praised, I smiled and thanked him, "Thanks Kai, that means a lot. Thanks for not looking down on me."

He nodded and stepped back as Jay and Zane stepped forwards. Before motor mouth could begi to speak, Zane shoved his hand over Jay's mouth and pulled him back, "I didn't think you were the mysterious kunoichi but now I can't believe I never did." Zane said, I smiled and nodded to him, then glared at Jay. "Shut it motor mouth, the only words leaving your mouth would be 'Told you so', and I don't want to hear it."

I saw him smirk underneath Zane's hand and he blinked to acknowledge a nod. But as for my boyfriend, I turned around and stepped forward, "I'm not a coward, I don't use a bow and arrow because it's a 'hide and seek' weapon, and I don't think I'm all that, Lloyd! Say that again and I will not hesitate to show you who I really am, then you may lose me forever." I threatened.

He was speechless and didn't say a word, my brother was angry, he'll get over it. "Can I explain now?" I asked. "Better." Cole growled. I rolled my eyes and sat down, keeping my right leg stretched out. The ninja sat around me and Lloyd leaned on the side of the building, trying to process everything.

"When I lost my memory I became someone new, but you all loved old Emma, so I hid it. But even without powers I realized I had strength, determination, and a will to give myself up for my friends. But then weeks passed and my powers were nonexistent. So I put on my cloak and ninja gi and raced out of the house, or Bounty, er whatever. I followed Banshee around, taking notes on the orders Ridley had him doing. Until I figured out you all went to get my powers back. So I acted. But you couldn't know it was me because then I would be asked questions, you all wouldn't leave me alone, and probably still wouldn't let me on missions. So I had to prove myself. And I did, or so I hope. After the fiasco with Ridley, I still chased Banshee, everyday, night, it turned into a hobby. We ran into each other so often and battled it out, the next day my knee would be worse, which you never questioned."

I paused to think about my choice of words, "Then you all came so close to finding it was me. But I left clues for you, you never saw them. I mean, my hurt knee, brown hair, black and silver ninja gi, bow and arrow, the list continues. They were everywhere."

I sighed and looked to the sky, "Alyssa was the closest to finding me out, and I couldn't let her tell you all. So here I am, coward kunoichi and all." I completed.

"I'm not mad anymore..." Cole spoke up, trailing off his sentence. A slight smile appeared on my face and Cole looked over, his expressionless face turning into the biggest smile I've ever seen, "I missed your smile so much, you don't even know." He laughed. He pulled me in for a hug and I laughed on his shoulder, "I'm proud of you sis."

"Thanks bro, feels nice for you to finally say that. I've been waiting a while."

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