Chapter 50: Gone With The Wind

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I've been at my parents house for three days, it's a great change in scenery. I just get to lay back and relax without anyone telling me to pick up my bow and arrows. My dad hasn't been pushing me to dance or sing, he lets me do as I want. I don't feel any pain in my ribs anymore, and my arm is starting to get a bit better, but there's no difference in my knee.

Today I was taking over my dad's lessons for small eight year old children. They're precious, I love them so much. It's a blast working with the kids, how they run around and laugh, I love seeing it. It makes me happy.

"Ms. May! Ms. May! Look!" a high pitched voice shouted from behind me. I turned around to see a small girl with blonde curls jumping up and down. She was pointing to a twenty-one year old blonde in the doorway. I smiled at the little girl and walked away, opening the door.

"Alyssa." I welcomed, drawing my hand up to the studio. She nodded and came in, the kids all jumping around her. I walked into the center of the room, Alyssa sitting down on a stool in the corner. She looked around, seeing the kids so full of energy. And somehow, in her blonde mind, she decided to point at me and shout, "Attack!" And since the kids are only eight, they followed her orders. My eyes grew wide as the kids pulled my good arm down until I was on the ground.

I was surrounded by small children and they all just dog piled me, it was sweet but surprising. The kids were ravenous!

Alyssa was enjoying herself, laughing and fortunate. I even heard a few clicks from a camera, though I didn't mind. But time met it's end and the kids needed to go home so I had to be the bad cop and break up the party, "Come on kids, mommy and daddy are waiting outside." I told them, carefully pushing myself up to a sitting position.

They all awwed in sadness but crawled off of me anyways. They ran to collect their belongings from their cubbies before running out of the studio door. I chuckled and waved them goodbye, knowing I won't see them for awhile. I'm going back to the Bounty tonight with Alyssa.

"Look what I found." Alyssa spoke up, showing me a small, rectangular case that rested in her hands. "Dad's old flute! Man, I used to love this thing!" I called out, watching her unbuckle the hinges. "Me too, I even know how to play."

"I thought you were a dancer and singer?" I asked, clearly questioning my own beliefs. She shook her head and shrugged, "Nope, I have no talent in the arts except for studio art and playing the flute. That prophecy lied." she chuckled, emphasizing the word lied. I gave a small laugh before beginning to clean up the dance equipment.

"Where did you find that thing anyways?" I asked her, as she observed the silver instrument. My parents taught us all from a young age on how to play any instrument. I can play anything and dance or sing to anything. But Alyssa was always sketching or painting, it was her forte. And Cole was always flipping around and improvising in his dances, but he was skilled at some instruments too. Alyssa always took the liking to the flute and the bassoon, I preferred the piano and guitar.

"It was in the storage closet." she told me, pressing down on the valves. I nodded and sighed in relief once everything was cleaned up, the room left spotless.

I was about to leave the room and meet my dad when I heard this most marvelous tune coming from the flute. I turned my head and saw Alyssa's fingers grazing over the valves, her eyes met mine and she smiled, continuing to play.

I leaned over and tightened my knee brace, making sure it kept my leg straight. My one arm was still in a sling so I couldn't do much, but I could do something.

I kept my right leg behind me, straight with a pointed toe. I wasn't wearing any shoes because it made it easier, I pulled them off coming into the studio this morning.

I pulled my right leg out quickly, bringing it in front of me. I whipped my body around, spinning on my left foot, my right leg circled around me, the motion not affecting my knee at all. I lifted the arm in the sling in front of me, turning it to the side, with my right arm joining it in front of my waist.

Alyssa's tune continued, the music flowing through my body and into the dance. I slowed down out of my turn, stepping out into graceful motion. I lifted my right leg to the side and flipped my upper half of my body down, my right leg going over my head. I brought it back down and relaxed my left arm, concluding my workout for the day.

Alyssa's song stopped and she closed the flute into the case, setting it on the stool she was sitting on. She started packing away her belongings, words leaving her lips, "Well done, Brookstone." she congratulated, smiling at me. I laughed and have her a quick bow, "Nice music, blondie." I responded.

Cole's POV

After the heated discussion with Emma, she wanted to leave to my parents house. She apologized before she left, feeling bad for being rude but she really wasn't. She gave her honest opinion, she blamed herself for everything that went wrong in the battle.

I'm picking her up from my parents today, her and Alyssa. The Bounty is parked a few feet behind their studio where supposedly Emma is working.

I walked into the studio three minutes ago, having knowledge that Emma was in Studio A6. I've been standing at this wooden door for just that time, watching my injured, broken sister dance her heart out. She really is the strongest person I know.

I saw her turn around, ready to walk to the door after a quick conversation with Alyssa. She saw my face in the small window and froze, not moving. I think she was either embarrassed or in shock. I opened the door and leaned against the wall.

She walked towards me, stopping when she was by my side, "Can we go back home?" she asked me, not discussing her dance at all. I chuckled and nodded, waiting for Alyssa to join us.

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