Chapter 37: Lost Not Found

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Cole's POV

I rushed onto the deck with panic spreading through my eyes. Nya rubbed her eyes on the far side of the deck, Sensei Wu was helping Misako up. "Nya!" Kai shouted and ran to her.

I searched around for my sisters, a gasp leaving my hanging mouth and my eyes widening, "They're gone! I knew we should have helped them! We could've done something!" I raged to Garmadon behind me.

"Cole, we--" Zane began, "He's right Zane! They're gone!" Lloyd agreed, yelling out. "We will find them!" Sensei shouted, stopping all of us.

"She's at Ridley's base, he took her while I was still awake-- I- I couldn't do anything! I'm sorry." Nya sobbed, Kai pulled her into his shoulder and rubbed her back. Both my sisters are gone, and Ridley wants Emma dead. I see a problem.

Emma's POV

I was trapped, taken here some time ago. When you're underground you lose track of time, or so I think. I know Alyssa was here as well, the only thing I know of it is that we were separated, she was thrown in a jail cell while I was taken to an empty room with a chair in the center, there was a large crevice in the wall above me that I was wanting to observe, perhaps it was a way out. All I know is that my hands are tied to this metal chair and I've been given some water and a bowl of soup, which I didn't eat.

The room is made of rocks, rock wall, rock floor, basically it's all rocks. Which makes sense given that we're underneath a mountain. Ridley trapped me somewhere I've never walked through. And as the kunoichi, I have walked everywhere in here, but apparently not.

Occasionally I hear the screams of my sister, it makes me yell out and fidget in my chair, but it's no use. "Mind games," they tell me. They're playing mind games on us, making her believe she's torturing me, but then making me listen to false screams. But I still believe it. Even though I know it's not true, I believe it anyways.

"Useless girl, to think we wouldn't defeat you. Some kunoichi you are." Banshee chuckled as he brought down a metal bar on my cheek, I didn't bother shouting or hollering in pain, useless is what it is. Not me. "Stop messing with the prisoner." Ridley scolded his nephew as he walked into the room with his hands behind his back and his posture straight. "Isn't she supposed to be dead?" he asked, "I'd rather be." I mumbled, Ridley grinned.

"Not yet boy, I still have use for her."

I narrowed my eyebrows and tried to hide the fear burning through my mind, Ridley kicked my chair back and caught the frame before my head slammed against the ground, I gasped and he chuckled, keeping me low, "Where are your silver powers?!" He shouted, yelling into my eyes.

"I don't know what your talking about!" I retorted, "Your silver powers! Where are they?!"

"You took my powers dumbass!"

Ridley fumed with anger, he grabbed the metal stick from Banshee and whacked my head, my head turned to the side and I could feel blood trickling down the side of my face, "I'll be back when you're ready to tell the truth." He growled, walking away to the door.

"Let Alyssa go!" I yelled, "She has nothing to do with this!"

The door slammed and I was left in the darkness. I didn't want to show weakness and burst into tears, but my body had to let the fear out. I coughed up small spots of blood as I cried salty tears, I want my brother. I need him.

Alyssa's POV

"Do it now!" he screamed at me, "Or else I will kill her immediately!" Banshee told me, a fist full of anger by his side. I stayed strong, I didn't let any tears slip from my eyes, "No." I sternly told him, glaring into his brown eyes of hate.

"I said now! Or I will kill her, and it will be all your fault!"

When he said, 'all your fault', I made a choice. Banshee wanted me to flip a switch in my cell with my sister's picture on it, every time I pull it it supposedly send a jolt of electricity to her, paralyzing her for hours. But it was better than being dead, so I had to do it. I've done it multiple times. "I'm sorry Emma." I whispered, and pulled the lever.

I heard her screams echo from rooms down, I didn't think it was real, I think they were playing with my mind, but I didn't want Emma to suffer because of me, so I made a difficult choice with my shaking hands and hoarse voice, "My brother will stop you, Emma will stop you!" I screamed at him, but he laughed, "Emma is better off dead." he told me with a smirk before leaving the bars of the outside of my cell. I heard his footsteps as I sat on my bed. How long have we been here? I know at least a few days, but how much longer?

Emma's POV

My eyes fluttered open after drifting into a state of unconsciousness after my brutal beating, I hope Alyssa is faring better than me, I know she is. "I will ask you again Brookstone, where are your silver powers?" Ridley questioned. I saw him leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. It finally clicked, he has my earth and air powers, but he doesn't have my power source. I'm the black and silver ninja, not the air and earth ninja, he needs my 'power'. "I will tell you, on one condition." I growled.

He perked up and grinned at me, slowly tapping his foot, "What is it?" I sighed and knew it was the best option, "Let Alyssa go."

"Well, I guess I'll have to beat it out of you."

"What does she have to do with this?!" I yelled, my body shaking, I would never admit it but I was terrified. What happens next? "She is the key to making you spill! So if you don't, I'll hurt her."

"Don't, please don't." I pleaded, "Then tell me about your powers." I slowly nodded and pried open my heart, "They are inside me, they are me, you will never get them!"

Ridley smacked me across the face and punched my nose, I struggled to breathe as he left the room, "Cole! Help me!" I cried out in vain, "Please!"

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