Music from the soul Chapter 5

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Al's POV

We drove up the road way to fast for my liking. Yes i normal like to go fast but this, This was too fast! I looked over at Amanda. Her eyes were like a black pit of loneliness. Like she had never loved or been loved. She then broke her gaze with the road and looked at me for a few seconds. 

"What are you staring at ?" I shuddered at the harsh tone in her voice. 

"n-nothing..." there was silence for about 5 minuets. 

"Em... Amanda" I said finally speaking after a battle in my head.

"What?" Her voice sounded calmer and more welcoming. 

"what are you?" Silence.

"I do not wish to talk about it." She spoke with sadness in her voice. As if it as painful to remember. I nodded without speaking.

"why are yous starting the exorcist school?" Asked all serious again and not a hint of any of the emotion she just showed.

" We have no choice it was this or... what about you, why are you at the school?" I asked not wanting to talk about the reasons why.

"The school is my home, i have lived their most of my life. The head master is like a father to me. " she spoke. 

"I see." the rest of the journey was silent. 

1 hour later

"We're here" Amanda spoke as we drove through big golden gates. we drove further and further up a hill. Green trees, woods, lakes and grass fields. after driving past so many different things we stopped in front of a large building. 

A castle. 

It was a tall old building with lots of windows. gray stoned walls and benches outside of it. green bushes lined the walls. Amanda opened her door and jumped out. I followed. I looked around as i closed the car door. The place was full of people. Between the ages of 15 to 19 i would say. They were all staring at Amanda. I looked at her and she was taking Luc out from the back of her car. She was now carrying him in the bridle hold. 

"Amanda i will carry him." I said as i walked over to her. she closed the door of the car and told Sarah to lock up. 

"No i got him." i nodded and we started to walk up peachy red coloured stairs which led to a fountain. The fountain was beautiful. It was of an angel and a demon entwined together with water  spraying around them. The fountain gave off feelings of love and sadness. Because if you look closely at the angel she is happy but the water makes her look like she is crying. 

Taking my gave from the water fountain i realise that everyone is staring at us or more at Amanda. They were whispering stuff like ' disgrace'  and ' shes scary.' Well i have to give them that she is scary but why is she disgraceful? so many questions ran through my head. We reached big wooden door. Pushing them open i walked in first. The lobby was beautiful. like a 5 star hotel. There was two stair cases climbing up to the same level on either side of the room meeting each other in the middle. The ground was white tiles The walls were a light pink. Flowers lined to place. It was like a posh school for rich kids. 

" This way we are going to the nurses office." i nodded and caught up with Amanda. We walked up the stair. They had rich red carpets and gold and black banisters all the way up. We reached the top of the stairs and walked through an arch way into a corridor. the corridor had a red carpet the same as the stairs. The walls where a light pick. Doors lined the place all big dark wooden doors with gold sewn through them. Gold door nobs and plates saying what kind of rooms they were. We walked down the corridor for a a bit until we stop at a door. I read the plate.

Nurse's Office

I pushed the door open and allowed Amanda in first. Walking in after her i looked around. The room was different from the lobby and corridor. It looked like a normal nurses office. A couple of beds with white sheets. Curtain to separate the beds if needed. White wall. White floor. White roof. Medicine cabinets. A desk with papers and a computer.

Amanda walked over to a bed and put Luc down. Then a lady dresses like a rebellious teenager walked out and looked at Luc. She nodded and looked at Amanda.

"take care of him i will be back in 2-3 hours to pick him up" Amanda spoke to the nurse. She just nodded and started to walk over to the medicine cabinet. Amanda then started to usher me out. We both walked out and headed back up the corridor. 

"I will take you to your room." We walk out of the main building and through a garden to the very back of the school. A building stood just in front of us.

"This is yours, Luc's and my dorm." i looked at it in surprise.

"you mean this is just ours and only ours?" She nodded. I could not believe this. A dorm which could hold 100 people was ours ? Amanda walked u and opened the doors. We walked in and it was dark. I could not make anything out.

"Lights on" Amanda spoke into thin air. Then just a few seconds later the lights switched on to reveal a beautiful lounge/kitchen/dining room. It was all modern with a glass stair case and a huge plasma T.V mounted up on the wall. big white tiles on the floor. a brown kitchen and the most comfiest looking rad, white and brown looking sofa ever. A couple of picture on the walls made the place wonderful.

"Follow me i will take you to your room. We walked up the glass staircase and past the first floor and onto the second and walked along the hall. The hall was white and brown. With table and ornaments along each side. we finally stopped outside a room.

"This is your room and that room behind us will be Luc's." I looked behind and there was a door right across the hall from mine. i nodded and opened the door.

I was stunned. The room was amazing. It had a low black and white bed on a white fluffy rug. Against a pink/red wall with hidden lights. Black laminate floor. On the other side of the room was a black wood wardrobe. the room went on further away. I walked down to see where it lead. An on-suit bathroom. Nice i thought. I looked around and opened the wardrobe and found my bags. I decide to unpack and look around the house.

After i finished unpacking i walked out of my new room and into the hall. I started to walk around when i found that i was lost. This place is so big. Every hall looks the same. I just kept walking around. Then i heard something. I walked closer to it. I was soon able to realise it was a piano. I followed the music until i reached a door. I stood there for a while listening to the music. I decide to see who was playing. 

I opened the door and saw the room was empty with only a piano in the middle. Amanda was sitting at the piano playing away. i walked over to her and stood behind her. I closed my eyes and listed. It was nothing like i had heard before. The piece was beautiful yet sad and lonely also quite dark. 

After a while the piece ended and Amanda sat there for a while. 

"That piece is like my soul. Lonely, sad and unloved. If you accept it then you will be my partner." Amanda spoke.


sorry for the wait did not know what to right and not had a lot of time xx that picture is of Al's room and the video is the piece of music Amanda plays

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