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Miranda's POV

I turned on the TV and there was a commercial about my best friend, Kendall Schmidt's boy band, Big Time Rush. They were gonna have a concert in Gibson Ampitheatre. BTR is a really big band. Maybe not as big a One Direction. So, of course, I was invited. The band consisted of him, Logan Henderson, Carlos Pena and James Maslow. They are all very cute.

So let's continue with the commercial. As I was saying, their concert is at Gibson Amphitheatre, 5pm. I am a really big fan. No kidding.

I hear a familiar voice calling me. It was my mom. "Miranda! Dinner is ready! Kendall's here to have dinner with us!". "Yay Kendall!" I thought in my head.

I ran straight to the dining table and saw Kendall. I ran to his arms and hugged him. My head was close to his chest. His arms around me. We break away. "What are you doing here?" I asked happily. "Well, my parents are in Australia, Kenneth's in Texas, Kevin's with his buddy and the boys are with their girlfriends. So, I decided to come over to have dinner!" he replied joyfully. "Yay!" I replied.

"So why don't we all sit down and eat this lovely dinner your mother made?" my dad asks. My dad is a great man with a heart of gold. "Oh right." I say sitting down. "Mom's cooking is the best!". We pray the prayer before meals and start eating.

"Kendall," my dad says. "How's life as a member of a successful boy band?". Kendall replies "It's fun. It's sometimes hard cause you have to work hard to be really successful in this industry. Right Mir?". I reply back "Yep!". "Ah. You're right my boy!" my dad says. "I really like this boy Tom." my mom says. "He's a pleasure to be with." Kendall smiles and says happily "My, thank you Mr. and Mrs. Cosgrove!". I smile and ask "So are you starting on your third album?". Kendall nods, "You bet we are! It's gonna be our best album yet!". "Maybe we should concentrate on eating first before talking? Remember, food is important!" my mom tells us. "You're right!" I say. We continue eating.


Kendall's POV

I really like Miranda's parents. They're really nice. This is the first time I've ever eaten with them. This night's going great.

After eating, me and Mir walk to the front porch to talk.

"How was dinner?" she asks me. "It was great! Love your mom's cooking." I reply back. "She would love to hear that.". "Really?" I ask curiously. "Yeah! She loves it when she gets complimented." Miranda replies. There's a silence. Not an awkward silence. Just silence. "Hey, I think I should be going now." I suddenly say. Miranda replies "Yeah. It's getting late.". I stand up and we hug. I walk away into the night.

BFF LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon