"He Quit."

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3rd Person POV

"What?!" Kendall shouts at the top of his lungs. "You... You can't... You can't quit the band!". "I'm sorry. I just wanna get married to Alexa. I wanna live a happy life with her and our kids. I'm sorry." Carlos says sadly. "BTR can't be BTR without our Los!" James says madly. "Yeah! They can't perform without you. They need you Los." Miranda says. "I'm so sorry." he says as he stands up and grabs his bags. "Goodbye guys." he says sadly as he walks out of the bus. Logan says sadly "Los...".

Kendall scratches his head as he sits on the bus' couch and says "Now what?". Victoria says "We don't know Kenny.". She holds his hand. "No. This can't be!" James kicks the bus' door. Miranda puts both her hands on his shoulders and says "We can get through this.". She looks at everyone else, "We can all get through this. It's ok if Los won't be with you anymore. You can still be BTR. The band that has captured millions of hearts.". "Carlos is our best singer! He's the best singer we've ever met. And we just can't let him go!" Dustin exclaims. He tightens his bandana. "I'm gonna call Alexa" Logan says. Miranda asks "Why?". "We need her help." he says back.


Alexa's POV

I hear my phone ring and see the name on the screen says "Loges Henderson". I pick it up and answer it. "Hey Logie-G! What's up?". Logan on the other hand tells me the worse thing the band has ever experienced. "What?!" I shouted at the phone. "Los quit the band?!". That moment shattered my heart. "What are we going to do?" I ask as I sit down on the couch. "I don't know. Maybe you should talk to Kendall." Logan says. Kendall starts talking to me. "Alexa, when Carlos gets home, convince him to come back. We need him. At least make him come back on our last tour date. And permanently.". "I'll try my best." I answer back and hang up.

I don't know what to do now. Then I hear a knock on the door. I run to the door and open it. I was surprised to see Carlos at the door. "Los, baby. I heard the news. Logan told me. Why babe? Why?". Carlos comes in and sits on the couch and I sit beside him. "I just wanna live a happy life with you and our future kids." he says. "But don't let that stop you from singing. I want you to go back to BTR and start singing again." I tell him. Then he suddenly looks down and thinks for a while. "I'll leave you here to think about it.". I then leave him there in the living room.

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