Chapter 2

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"Excuse me miss." Hester heard the teacher say, but didn't look up. What are the chances that he was talking to her. There was fifteen other girls in the room. "Excuse me. Miss reading the book." Hester looked up. "Thank you for going us today. Put the book away I don't want to see it anymore. Do you even know what class you're in?"

"English," Hester answered.

"No your in algebra."

She put the book in her bag. She heard snickering. She looked over and Hector was trying not to laugh out loud. She rolled her eyes and the rest of the day seemed like a blur. She passed through her first four classes. "Only two left," she said to herself. She walked in and saw Carl. She sat next to him.

"Hey how's it going?" He asked her.

"Well my math teacher is a hoe bag," he laughed at her saltiness.

"Why what happened?"

"He made me put my book away. I swear I hate math and its only the first day."

She turned away and didn't talk at all for the rest of the class. The last two classes were the hardest, but she made it. She was walked to the buses by a teacher and she hopped on bus #19. She looked and there he was. Hector. He sat all the way at the back where she hoped that no one would interact with her. She messed up her hair a little and sat with her legs open. Maybe if I look weird they wont sit next to me.

She felt someone push her. It was Hector. "Boy what are you doing?"

"I wanted to sit next to you."

"Why I don't even know you!"

He didn't seem to care. He sat down anyway and looked at her. She turned to the window and tried no to think anymore. A day of school can be stressful for the brain. They stopped and at the third bus stop and she pushed Hector and walked quickly off the bus. She looked back and saw him following her.

She tried to walk faster, but people were too dang slow. She finally got off the bus and he was still following her. "Hey Hester wait up," he called out for her.

She turned around. "Why are you following me. Do you even live over hear. Probably not because your creepy. Get off my lumps dude."

"Actually I do live over here."

Hester felt bad. "I'm sorry. This is awkward."

"Its okay. I think your awkwardness is cute. Walk with me."

Hester started walking and she started to blush. "You okay?" He asked her.

"I'm fine."

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