Chapter 6

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I woke up and my head was spinning. It felt like I was just hit with a rock. I rubbed my head and I suddenly couldn't breath. I got up and ran to the kitchen. I ran to the sink and put my head on the cold, shiny stainless steel rim.

Once I finally caught my breathe I got a clean cup and filled it with tap water. I took a big gulp and I went back to my room. I checked my phone and looked at the time. Oh shoot! I'm gonna be late for the bus. I quickly changed  into some shorts and a shirt that was clean (well at least it smelt clean). I walked to the kitchen and I took another gulp of water. I suddenly stopped in my tracks. I remember what had happened yesterday . I didn't want to go back. I wasn't ready.

I opened the drawer and  looked at it. Shiny. I could see my reflection. I grabbed the handle and held it up. I was not going to get bullied again. I put it in my backpack. I walked out the door and  I strolled to the bus stop. I could see everyone. I did not rush. There was no point. I didn't like anyone. I didn't speak to anyone. 

Once I got there I just waited. waited for anything really. A car to hit me. A penny to be thrown at me. Anything could happen and id be one hundred percent ready. The bus finally showed up and  I sat in the back. I was ready for him to show up  and push me to the window, but when he didn't I opened my eyes. Where was he. The last person got on and the bus driver still had the door open.

Ah, there he was. He was sweaty and he looked tired. He had super dark bags below his eyes. He did sit with me. "Why do you look so heinous?" He chuckled.

"I went to bed super duper late."

"Oh. Well if it makes you feel any better I was humiliated yesterday."

"Well this may surprise you, but that doesn't make me feel better. And I heard what happened from Sarah who heard it from Carl."

"You know Sarah?"

"Ya she's in my sixth period."

"Oh. That's cool." I looked out the window and he grabbed my shoulder.

"Why are you such a d**k?"

"What I didn't even say anything."

"I mean you give such attitude and when we're finally having a good, regular conversation you just look away."

"Your hurting me."

"I don't give a crap Hester. Tell me why your like this."

I looked at my lap. "Well, I had this group of friends in eighth grade and once they heard of was not going to the same high school as them they went ballistic. They said I couldn't have any new friends because they wanted to be my only ones. So my hostile nature is so I won't make friends.

  "Who are they? They sound tike truly horrible people."

"Well there's Amy. She's like my best friend. Then there's George. He's gay and has the attitude of a forty year old black woman. There's Vianca and Jessie. There really sweet and Vianca really loves anime. Finally there's  Clarence. He's really fun and fabulous. He's really a treat to talk to. There is seriously no boring conversation when I talk to him. I miss them all."

" WelI ,want to be your friend. Are they gonna come and fighrt me?"

"I truly wouldn't be surprised."

He wouldn't let go. "Let go!"




I reached into my bag and got the knife. I slashed his hand.

"What the f**k Hester!" His blood was everywhere. People started to notice. Everyone looked at me...

I woke up. What? That was a dream? I need to call Clarence.

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