#11 Solitude.

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Written in first person by @ ThatLovingDay and I rewrote it in second person just to see what it would be like.


No human sounds could be heard. No noisy polluting, monsters. No bells, clangs or vaguely metallic sounds could be heard. 

No calls, shouts, whistles or voices.

Just peace.

Nothing to disturb you.

You stripped down so that you were naked as a wee baby.

Your feet in the soft, green grass.

You took a step back, then took off running, then swan dove into the fresh, icy body of water that layed in the middle of the woods. 

The forest.

YOUR forest, for which you had saved up, barely scraping by as "normal" human, so that you could live without disturbance: how you wished to be.

No trespassing allowed.

Only way in with your permission. And code for the lock.

Your mind drifted as you swam, scattering the fauna, then having it swim back. Slowly, as the fish were curious and you weren't attacking. 

The other humans had found you "crazy" and "mental" for your dream.

Your wish.

To live without their inventions: without telephones, computers...

You wished to live without things that harmed the earth, whether it meant to be without things that had to be dug up, or without polluting.

Oh, you had a small cabin and you would go buy some things once in a while. Soap, toilet paper, tissues when you got sick, et cetera. Paying with the money your investor made for you. 

But you didn't care for money. Not really.

At first, you were a bit lonely and felt some withdraw symptoms. lack of things that you had used for the largest part of your life.

You took a big breath and dove under, the water staying clear from your eyes because of the glass goggles you had ordered. Maybe not as safe as the plastic ones and a heck of a lot more expensive, but better for the earth.

Your arms paddling from side to side to keep you level, you admire the life in the clear water.

Yes, this was heaven on earth for you. 

You had been different since you were a child. You could feel the earth tremble, whimper, when it was hurt.

You could hear her choke on the filthy air.

But here it was wonderful.

You weren't the only human here. You had placed small adverts for small cabins of nature for other lovers of the free wilderness.

They pay 5 million, just once, and they coulld do and have whatever they want, within reason and as long as it didn't harm the earth. The odd trees, animals and plants were alright, for example.

But cars were not allowed in the forest. Cycling was okay, but it was tough going, since the only paths were created by deer, foxes, rabbits and all the oother natural neighbours we had.

There were twenty-five of us, spread over the large section of land. The cabin closest to you was a half a day's worth of hiking. Not your normal city walk. Getting through the forest was tough, you needed a machete or a large knife at times to make your way.

You swam up for air as you thought of all this. 

You also had some smaller, cheaper and more temporary accommodations, which had some small added luxuries like a proper wood or coal stove instead of just a fire place. They were for researchers, tourists, honeymoons and the like, for only ten thousand a month.

You swam to the shore, feeling refreshed. 

You lifted yourself up onto the side and dried yourself of with a towel, which you stored on a tree.

Suddenly you hear a noise. And it didn't sound animal-like.

You turn around, holding the large towel to your body, your hair covering your otherwise bare breasts.

Your breath catches in your throat. "Who are you?"

The stranger didn't reply.

The unfamiliar human was actually a rather, well, beautiful piece. 

You don't know what to do, but felt a stirring, which you hadn't felt felt in a long time and hadn't acted on before. An animalistic need.

As the stranger stared at you, you stepped up to the human.

And kissed the stranger.


So ya. As mentioned before credits to ThatLovingDay , so definitely check out their profile :). As you might have noticed the main character is female.

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