Chapter Seven

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.: Harry's P.O.V :.

Waking up was the worst thing in the world. I had a headache, I could barely remember some things and Louis is beside me right now sleeping in a chair. Right now no one is aware that I'm awake, and I hope it stays that way for a bit. I don't want my mum to come in questioning everything like why would I do it. I'm not in the mood to deal with that.

I'm also not in the mood to deal with Louis, after himself being an inconsiderate dick. Although, he is my friend....Wait, Can I even call him a friend? I shouldn't because of what Zayn has threatened to do, but most importantly because of what Louis has done.

So, technically, I have no friends..

Mentally sighing, I move around the little hospital bed acting like I'm just "waking up" now. I don't want Louis to wake up but I know sooner then later he will. Why can't he just leave?!

"Harry Styles has woke up," I hear some nurse say. This means someone will come in here for me. I don't want to face anyone. Can I just run away? Go to a different school? Have friends who except me? I don't think I will ever have any of those. I see a tall man which I'm assuming is my doctor - Yes, I'm afraid of doctors - walk over to me.

"Hello Mr. Styles," he said with a grin on his face. "How are you feeling?"

I try to give him a genuine smile but it was no use and it turned out looking horribly fake. "Fine I-I guess. It's just I h-have a really bad h-headache."

"That's normal, Harry," he says while writing something on a clip board. I feel something moving and I look over and it's just Louis. The Louis that I don't want to be here, or even in my life. I look over to him and his eyes are red like he'd been crying. It's weird though because when I look at him he still looks beautiful even if he has bloodshot eyes, messy hair and looks like he's gotten no sleep. How long was I sleeping for?

"Uh, Doctor," I say, not knowing his name because he never actually told me. "How long was I sleeping?"

He seems to be thinking for about a second before answering. "My name is Doctor Travis. Today is the third day that you've been here, Harry. Mr. Tomlinson has claimed to be one of your close friends so I let him stay... I was suppose to but he looked so concerned, I couldn't say no to him. He hasn't left you either, so I assume he really wants to talk to you. On a different note, I will contact your mum and let her know you're awake."

My heart sunk to my feet. My mum must be so disappointed in me...

"O-okay Doctor Travis. Thank you," I say. I look over to sleepy Louis rubbing his eyes. When his hands come off of his face and he sees me, a smile escapes from his mouth. He instantly clings onto me in the hospital bed I'm n, feeling like he won't let go anytime soon.

"Louis..." I warn him. I know what he's trying to do anyways. He's going to apologize, but instead of actually meaning it he's just going to play with my emotions.

Just like everyone else seems to do...

"Harry, I'm so s-orry," Louis stutters. Is he crying? I only think I've seen him cry once before... I don't remember why. He's pretty good at acting though because if he can make himself cry like that he must be. Unless he's genuinely crying... Which he's not. Louis lets go of me and goes to sit back in their chair he was previously sitting in.

"I need to explain things to yo-" Louis gets cut off by the sound of my mums voice.

"Harry!" she quietly yells. I'm still in a hospital, that's probably why she didn't actually yell. What I honestly think is my mum doesn't care for me, she just wants me alive so I can help her pay bills and such. She may say she loves me... but I know she doesn't. No one loves me and no one ever will. I'm a useless faggot.

I look over to Louis. "I think you should leave. I want time with my mum," I lie. I'm not in the mood for anything he's going to tell me, he's obviously not meaning what he says anyway. Louis looks at me with sad eyes, looking like he's at his breaking point. That tears my heart apart but before I could say anything, he nodded and left.

"Hello mum." I say calmly. No one was left in the room except for us. She gave me a strange look that I've never seen her give anyone before.

"I'm not your mum. I didn't give birth to a suicidal boy. I gave birth to a strong man," she says blankly. She doesn't even look like she's joking.

"But you were happy to see me just two minutes ago?" I question.

She gives me a laugh, not sounding like herself. "That was because I want to look like a good mum, right? I wouldn't want someone to think I was a bad one. That's the reason why I'm doing this-" she says, almost walking fully out of the door but stopping half way. "Never seeing you again, Harry. You are not my son."

My heart broke in two. When I thought my mum didn't care about me, I never thought like this. She was at least nice to me before, making breakfast and saying good morning. All those great things... I knew she did it so I could help her but I never thought she'd do this...

Where am I going to live? I can't live in the hospital! I really don't want to live on the streets either...

The doctor walks in, giving me a nice smile. "Well, Harry, it looks like you're good. You can leave. The only thing is, you're getting a therapist, or should I say two of them? You can't deny this offer, it's free. They offered to help you. Their names are Niall and Liam," The doctor tells me. A therapist might actually help me, right? I don't know. I've never talked to one before... I was always afraid. Maybe they can be my friends?

No, Harry! That's weird. Being friends with your therapists? You can't do that.

I try shaking my thoughts off but I just can't. I'm so stressed out right now. I don't have a home, friends or anything really right now. The only thing I have right now is the flower crown Louis "made" me. I used the quotations because I doubt he made it for me. He probably got someone to do it for him since we're not even friends. He only want me in his life for enjoyment and humor for himself.

Although, no one cares about me. I shouldn't have even been in the hospital. I should've just died. Come to think of it, how did someone find me? Did they see a senses body in the middle of nowhere, got concerned so they called 999? Are people actually that nice, they get concerned over someone they don't know? I don't think so. I can't trust anyone anymore...

Actually, I never trust anyone. It's just Louis. He broke my walls quickly for some reason. He has an aura of trust, but I guess I can't even trust that aura.

A nurse comes to take the i.v. out of my hand. She didn't care about what she was doing because it hurt more than it should have. Changing in my clothes, the doctor gives me papers. I look over them, seeing that I have a therapist meeting in 3 hours. Of course that's why I'm released. It's because I'll be watched almost right after I get out of here.

Sighing, I start walking around with the papers in my hand. What do I do? I don't even have any clothes except for the ones I'm wearing and they're dirty. People are going to laugh at me even more because I don't even have clothes anymore. They'll laugh at me for wearing the same thing everyday.

Also, seeing Louis laugh at me will break me... again. He's gorgeous and his personality is perfect when he's fake. I wish he was  like his fake self and would treat me right, just like he did when he was joking about being my friend.

Even though I keep telling myself Louis is a liar, I can't help myself but to think he actually does care. I know I shouldn't give my hopes up, but I really do like him.

I can't feel like this.


After walking around town for about 3 hours, I finally went to the therapist place. I'm excited for this.. I'll at least have something to do for the rest of the day. The only bad thing is- where am I sleeping tonight?


Omfg you guys probably hate me... I'LL MAKE THE NEXT CHAPTER EXTRA GREAT! There will be more Larry soon, some Niam too.... I'm not giving a whole not away but you guys deserve this: Niall and Liam will help Harry(like not just being a therapist but also with his house issues and stuff) :)

I'LL BE UPDATING MORE <3<3 byeee ilysm

-Brooke x

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