Chapter Eleven

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.: Louis' P.O.V :.

What the actual fuck? Why did I set my alarm clock? I have the worst headache after last night. I came home at 1:30 and I've only been sleeping for about 5 hours. I have the feeling in my stomach as if I need to throw up.

This is something I for sure didn't miss.

Groaning, I decide to get up and take some pain killers and just go to school. Once I wake up I can't go back to sleep... Probably the thing I hate most about myself. Well, that and the part of myself that thinks about Harry and the time.

After getting ready and getting to school, I'm surprised to see Zayn standing near the doors. "Lou!" he shouts, a grin on his face. I walk over to him.

"I'm surprised to see you here," I say just like I was thinking.

"Could say the same thing myself." he chuckles, "I woke up because my alarm clock and I couldn't go back to sleep."

I laugh a bit myself, "Same."

The bell rings and I feel Zayn's stare. "Man, you look like shit.."

Feeling offended but knowing it's true, I punch him in the arm and sigh. "Y'know, because I totally don't have a hang over."

"I know, me too. Let's just skip later..." he says. I nod in agreement and we walk inside. In the back of my mind I wish Harry was at school today but I know he won't be. Even if we don't talk... I just want to look at him, he's gorgeous. Everything about him takes my breath away, I-

I feel Zayn freeze and place his hand on my shoulder. "Oh my god Louis," he whispers.

I know exactly what he's talking about. There's a group of people torturing some innocent kid for fun. It's a perfect opportunity to have our old bonding time.

We slowly walk over but I still can't see who's in the middle. This reminds me of Harry all too much, Jack and the other guys names I didn't get to learn because I honestly don't care.

The bell rings again. Zayn walks over to the other side thinking we're going to corner whoever this is. Everyone slowly leaves and it see curls huddled up on the ground, in pain. Those curls look like Harry.. wait- is that Harry?

He gets up and I cringe to myself. Yes, this is Harry. The one day he comes back this happens to him. That isn't fair.

I can tell the second he notices me, his face changes and looks hurt. Is it because I cut it short yesterday and he thought I was rude? Or did I forget something I said?

Zayn gives me an eyebrow signal and I know what going to happen next. I can't hurt him though, my body won't let me. I just can't.

"You stayed here to finish up Styles? Good idea mate," he says with the tone of voice I hate. Sometimes I wonder why I'm friends with him. Then I realize, again, that this is for my benefit. He helped me and he changed me. I'm so confused right now. Part of me wants the side of me Harry likes, the one that I'm weak and vulnerable. With Harry I don't mind being like that, he's so sweet and cute I just want to give him the world. Although the other part of me wants the one Zayn likes, so that I'm stronger and nobody will know or see the hurt inside of me. They'll think I'm a happy jackass, and I'm fine with that.

I have sudden realization what is going on right now and before I can think of what I said I say something. Something that makes me want to panic because I have no idea what Zayn will say to this. "Actually, no, Zayn. I didn't."

For a fee seconds though, the scene looks hilarious. Harry and Zayn are both shocked. I hear a 'what?' come out of both Zayn and Harry's mouths. Obviously Zayn's was less quiet and didn't have a stutter.

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