Tis but a scratch

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      Fucking Aliens

Out of all the things that I could have done today, it had to be fighting Aliens.

Steve and I were fighting aliens on a bridge. "Ya know, when I woke up this morning this wasn't on my to do list." I said to Steve, freezing two aliens faces and slamming them together.

"It never is." He said throwing his shield hitting 4 aliens, I caught it and threw it back to him.

"Tony what's your status?" Steve asked after hitting the last Alien in our area. "Sorry Cap, I'm in a relationship, and I don't want (Name) getting her Stony wish to come true."

I laughed as Steve sighed. We ran to the meet up place. Where more Aliens were. "Damn," "Hey (Name) at least it's not Independence Day." Steve said before hitting an Alien.

"Did you just make a movie reference?" I asked shooting three aliens. "Yes Ma,am I did."

We continued fighting them until there was two more. "You get the left, I get the right?" Steve asked. "Yeah." I ran to the left alien and froze his legs. I was about to use my icicle to stab him, but he pulled a knife out of his..pants? And stabbed my abdomen.

I looked at my stomach, then Steve's Shield hit the alien. "(Name) why-(Name)!" Steve dropped his shield and ran up to me as I sank to the ground.

"I didn't know they had knives." I said as Steve applied pressure to my wound. I hissed at the pain. "(Name)'s down! (Name) keep your eyes open." "I'm not going to die Steve."

I said as he wrapped a piece of cloth he ripped from his suit around me. I coughed up some blood. "Oh, dat can't be good."

I said as I heard and ambulance. All the Avengers were her by now and surrounding me, all with worried expressions. "Don't worry guys, tis but a scratch."I grabbed Steve's wrist as he held down my wound.

"Steve it hurts." I said as the adrenaline faded away and I could feel the pain worsen. I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth. "(Name)? (Name)!" I heard Steve yell but fading away before it all went to black.

I woke up in a hospital room. I tried sitting up but groaned and touched my bandaged stomach. The door opened and a nurse walked in. "Mrs.Rogers your awake." She said handing me pain killers and water.

I took them and sighed. "How long have I been here?"

"A month, you were doing very bad, the knife you were stabbed with was very dirty so it was infected very easily, which is hard to survive . A lot of people think your dead."

"When can I go?" "Tomorrow, we just need to do some test, make sure your healed enough to go, and such." She said writing something down." "Does Steve know I'm alive?"

She bit her lip. "Well no, Captain Rogers was visiting you everyday, but see you were very close to death." I nodded. "What can I do to get out of here today?"

Steve looked at his knuckles. Bruised, bloody, and numb from pain. He just finished punching a punching bag apart.

"Steve you need to stop, eat and get some sleep." Tony said walking into the 1940's themed workout room Tony agreed to put in the tower.

"I can't," he said taking off his ripped bloody bandages from his hands. "My wife died because of me." He said zipping up his bag.

"Atleast shower, how long as it been," Tony said walking up to him. "Steve, we all miss her, but you know she wouldn't want you to lay around and not move on, you know that."

Then his phone rang. "Hello?..what! But-uh yeah-he's-fine I won't...yeah be right there."

Tony hung up and looked at Steve. "Steve if your not going to sleep at least eat and shower." Steve nodded and Tony patted his shoulder before leaving the room.

"Seriously shower, you smell like a boys middle school locker room." Steve sighed and grabbed his bag and walked to the kitchen and made a sandwich and ate it.

He walked to his bedroom and threw his bag on the bed and walked into the shower. He took a long shower since he only had showered twice since you have been gone.

He finished his shower, and wrapped a towel around his waist and walked back into his room.

He cursed under his breath as he remembered that he hadn't done any laundry in the last month.

He took a breath hoping he had anything to wear. He opened his shirt drawer, and saw it filled with his clean shirts.

He looked at it confused and opened his pants and underwear drawer and saw that they were full.

" I thought I told you to stop putting your dirty gym bag on the bed." He quickly turned around and saw you holding his gym bag.

"(Name)...?" He said in a whisper. "Hey Steve." I said smiling. Tears filled his eyes and he walked up to me and hugged me. "I'm so sorry, it's all my fault."

I rubbed his back. "No it's not, I could have shot him, but I got cocky and tried stabbing him with ice. I said laughing.

"I missed you, I love you so much (Name)." I love you too, Steve." He released our hug and kissed me.

"Now go out on your clothes, I do love seeing you in a towel, but I can't have Sex for a week." I said pushing him to his dresser.

"(Name)!" "Oh and after you sleep, your getting punished for leaving your gym bag on the bed.

This was one of my longer ones but I liked it.

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