I do

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The pics the tux that Steve's wearing

I sat in a room, looking at a mirror at myself. "(Name) don't worry, you look so beautiful." Nat said looking at you from the mirror.

"I know, but this dress is so beautiful, I don't feel like it's me." I said smiling, then there was a knock on the door. "U-Uh Nat we need to get in our places." I heard Bruce say on the other side of the door.

She hugged me before walking to the door. "Don't worry (nickname) you'll be fine." She said smiling. "Thanks Nat." She left and I sat in a chair and started eating the orange that was in a basket.

There was another knock at the door. "Peah?" I said with an orange slice in my mouth. The door opened and Fury stood in the doorway, who I asked to walk me down the aisle because my parents died.

"(Name) your about to get married, and your eating an orange?" He said with a faint smile. I stood up and walked over to him. "It's stress eating." "It's normal to be stressed, but you don't have to be (Name)." "Why?"

I said as we walked to the big doors. "Because you look amazing." "I know but what if I mess up something, like drop the ring before I put it on Steve? Or trip, or-" Fury put a hand up.

"(Name) you look fine, so if you don't feel fine remember that you look good enough for it to be okay." He said before sticking his arm out.

I smiled and took it. "Thanks Fury." I said and took a deep breath before the door opened. The music played, and I locked eyes with Steve. He started at me with his mouth open, which U saw Tony take a picture of and show Clint.

We made our way up the aisle to the front, and I walked up beside Steve. "Steven you'll catch flies." I whispered closing his mouth, causing the people who attended laugh. "You look so beautiful." He whispered smiling.

(baby timey skipey)

"Do you Steven Grant Rogers, take (Full name) to be your wedded wife in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?" "I do" Steve said looking down at me smiling.

"Do you (Full name) take Steven Rogers for richer or poor, in sickness or in Heath, as long as you both shall live?" I teared up. "I do" I said smiling. Then we had to say our vows to eachother.

"(Name) after being in the ice for 70 years and being 95 I never thought I could find love, or that anyone would give this old guy a chance," we laughed then he continued. "But when I first meet you on that helicarrier for our mission, I fell in love with you at first site, and couldn't believe that you gave me a chance. I couldn't ask for a more perfect gal to love forever, I love you."

He wiped the tears out of my eyes, and I took a breath.

"I'm not good at talking When I was at HQ and heard that Captain America was found and alive, I was so exited to meet my favourite hero ever. Then we got to do a mission together, and I met you finally I thought 'damn he looks good for a 90 year old'," we laughed. "But then I thought that I should go for it, and you asked me to dinner, and look where we ended up, I love you so much Steve."

Then the minister handed us the rings. "Steven, as you place the ring on (Name's) finger, please repeat after me,
I offer my vow to you in the form of this ring,"

"I offer my vow to you in the form of this ring,"

"so that my word and my love,"

"so that my word and my love,"

"will always be with you,
close to your heart."

"will always be with you,
close to your heart." He repeated and put the ring on my left ring finger.

"(Name), as you place the ring on Steven's finger, please repeat after me,
I offer my vow to you in the form of this ring,"

"I offer my vow to you in the form of this ring,"

"so that my word and my love,"

"so that my word and my love,"

"will always be with you,
close to your heart."

"will always be with you,
close to your heart." I repeated putting the ring on Steve.

"I now pronounce you, Steven and (Name) Rogers. You may now kiss the bride." Steve wasted no time locking his lips with mine to bind our marriage.

Everyone cheered and clapped. We separated and smiled at each other. "Finally" we heard Tony say. I looked at Tony. "What he's been talking about this wedding forever." He said pointing to Steve. I laughed, and hugged Steve. "I love you Mr.Rogers." I said happily, "I love you too, Mrs.Rogers." "Mrs.Rogers I love it." I said before kissing Steve again.

"Get a room!" Tony yelled before Natasha hit him

I feel like Fury was a little OOC but whateves.

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