Teen!Stark!Reader Happy Birthday Cap!

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Requested, This is a platonic fic bc reader is underage okay bye luv u btw this fic is late ik sorry and i have no facts in here lol please enjoy oh and I can't write and this fic is long sorry :)

I was chilling on the couch enjoying my summer by watching Friends, when Steve walked in, plopping on the chair beside me sighing. "What's up Cap?" I asked, muting the TV.

"Nothing." he replied, but his somber expression said otherwise. "Come one you look like you just punched a dog, what's wrong?" he looked up from the floor. He looked at me for a second before looking back down. "It's stupid."

I scoffed. "Steve, If something or someone made you upset it is not stupid to me, now spill." He looked at me. "Please?" He sighed, before crossing his arms. "There was this candy shop Buck and I used to go to growing up, it was one of those one's that you see in those movies about the 30′s," I nodded. " It's just an abandoned building now, but I found out that they're tearing it down for a hotel."

"Oh no, I'm sorry Steve." I said giving him a hug. "It's okay, just a part of getting old I guess." he laughed, but I knew it was forced. "I could get my dad to buy the land if you want? We could open a cool little shop." He laughed again, a real one this time. "No it's fine. Thank you for listening though, and not thinking it was stupid." "Of course it's not stupid! It's from your childhood!"

He patted my head before standing up. "Why is Friends muted?" Sam asked walking into the room. "Started talking about whoop whoop and Steve got uncomfortable." I said standing up. "(Name)!" Steve exclaimed, causing me to run into the hallway. I heard Sam teasing Steve before closing my door. "Jarvis? Can you show me the store Cap was talking about?" "Of course ma'am," He gave you an address and the information on the company who owns it, and the schedule to demolish it.


The next day you were at the Store with the company manager, I adjusted my sunglasses as he was currently blabbing about how the building was too old and the plans for the hotel. "And the hotel will-" "Let me just stop you there bud, I already know everything that is going to happen, I just want to look at the buildings that you will be destroying here, so if you could just stay out here I'd appreciate it." I said closing the old candy store door in his face.

I might have been a little rude but what kind of adult speaks of this place like a teenage girls going to invest in it? I maybe a Stark but still. "Alright Jarvis, what do we have here? Anything cool I can make out of this place?" I said scanning the room, looking at the candy containers and other knick knacks left behind. "The building has western platform framing, little damage, no termites." "Could I use this wood to build a bookshelf?" I asked looking at the counter, the glasses scanned the piece. "Yes, the wood hasn't been damaged."

"Good" I looked around a little more before walking up the stairs. Looking around I found an old game machine. "What do we have here Jarvis?" "It appears to be a pinball machine." "Anything that isn't obvious?" I asked. "A Five Star Final Jr. pinball machine from 1932." "Sounds like it could be worth something, doesn't matter though cause it will be in Steve's possession tomorrow." I said to myself, before picking up said (heavy) machine. I struggled down the stairs and out the front door, seeing the company manager standing where I left him.

"Put this in my truck would ya? I'm weak and young" I said handing it to him. "U-Uh yes Ms.Stark." I looked around, seeing some construction workers. I approached. "Excuse me, do one of you have a hammer I could borrow?" They looked at me before laughing. I rolled my eyes. "Typical" I said before grabbing one out of the bag next to one of them. "Hey! What are you doing?" One of them yelled. "Your job!"

I walked back into the 'store' walking to the counter before ripping it up, putting the wood in a pile. I looked at the door when I was finished seeing the manager and workers standing there. "You going to help me put these in my truck or get out the way. They quickly scrambled grabbing the wood and running out the door. "That's what I thought."

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