His Song

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I sat on the couch in the Avengers Tower eating a chocolate bar. "Om nom nom nom nom-" "(Name)! Just the person I wanted to see!" Tony said sitting beside me.

"What's up Tony?" I asked. "Go watch this I your room, your gonna love it." He said handing me a dvd. "What is it? A porno?" "For once no, it's something I found."

"Alright," I said and stood up. "But it better not be a waist of my time or you'll regret it."

I went to my room, being lazy and not closing my door and put in the DVD in my DVD player. A Black and White patriotic stage and pretty woman walking on it.

"What is this?" Then a guy walked on to the Stage. "Oh my god, is that Steve?" I said with a grin.

Who's strong and brave   here to save the American way?

"Not all of us can storm a beach or drive a tank, but there's still a way all of us can fight."

Who vows to fight like the man for what right night and day

"Series E Defence Bonds. Each one you buy is a bullet in the barrel in your best guys gun."

Who will campaign door-to-door for America? Carry the flag shore-to-shore for America? From Hoboken to Spokane. The Star Spangled man with a plan. We can't ignore there's a threat and a war we must win. Who'll hang a noose on the goose stepping goons from Berlin? Who will redeem heed the call for America? Who'll rise and fall give his all for America who's here to prove that we can? The Star Spangle man with a plan.

"We all know the is about winning the war, and we can't do that with most bullets and bandages, tanks and tents. That's where you come in. Every bond you buy can protect someone you love."

I grinned as I watched it, then I saw 'Hitler' walking behind the lady's and heard kids yelling at Captain America to turn around.

"And the Germans will think twice about trying to get the drop on us."

He said then punched the Hitler. He waved to the crowd smiling. "(Name) what are you watching?" I turned and saw Steve looking nervously at the screen.

"The star spangled man with a plan." I said. He sat beside me blushing. "How come I never knew you were here to save the American way?" "I'm sorry I-" "it's okay, but that was after you had the serum so why were you doing that?"

"After he died they didn't know what to do with me, he didn't make more then what they put in me, and they said I could do that," he said pointing to the TV. "Or be stuck in a lab." I hugged Steve.

"I thought it was cool, how many times did you knock out Hitler?" I said laughing, he smiled and wrapped his arms around me. "Over 200 times."

This is just a little thing I wrote because I was bored. :p

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