Chapter 6 - New home

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Katie's Pov.

I woke up the next day feeling okay. I was able to have to a great sleep. As soon as I woke up my eyes were on SHINee. My kings. I quickly got out of bed and washed my face. Then I headed toward the kitchen where I found my mom cooking. She was making  kimchi rice and egg rolls. I was so hyper.

"Good morning mom" I said.

"Good morning sweety" she replied. "Your dad went to work earlier." She answered my next question. "Okay" I said.

"You will be enrolling in a new school here for ur education" she continued. "And u will be starting school today".
I was happy and nervous at the same time. Me and mom quickly finished our breakfast and I got ready for school. Then we headed for school.

"As soon as reach Daesung school(A/N I really don't know any names of schools in Korea so spare me),we headed for the Principal's office. There we met the Madam Principal Mrs.Lee. She gave me my time table and told me which classs I would be in. I was excited to see my new classmates and new classroom. There I went to the class as my mom went away. I knocked on the door and the class teacher, Miss Jenny came.

"You must be the new student. Welcome to the class and please introduce yourself." She said.

"Annyeonghaseyo I'm Jung Rin Jae but you can call me Katie. I can't speak Korean that much. I just moved to Korea because of my father' business. I hope to be find friends and please take care of me." I introduced myself.

And I went to my seat where Miss Jenny pointed. I sat down and put my backpack aside. I was in between two girls named, Kira and Tina. They smiled at me. I returned their smile. The period's went by and it was whole new subjects. It was so exciting to learn them. Soon the lunch breake came and I didn't know where the canteen was and I was kind of lost.

Then I felt a tap on my shoulder,I looked back and found Tina and Kira. "Come on,let's go and have lunch" said them. I was so touched by them. "Thank u guys,I was lost" I thanked them.

As soon as we entered the cafeteria, everybody kept looking at me. To be exact, staring at me. But I knew why they were staring at me. "Why are they all staring at u, Katie?" Asked Kira. I have out a bit with and said

"It's because of my dad. He is the new director of the biggest company in Seoul now. That's why I moved in here." Yep,that's why they were all staring at me. As the daughter of the businessman, Mr.Jung, I was quite popular.

But we went and ate together. Tina and Kira are so nice and I just felt that I found out new friends. But no one could replace Sophie. I missed her so much. If she was here, we would have done a lot of things by now. But I was happy with my friends.

We headed for our next period together. And we were enjoying and soon school came to an end. I packed my bags and went to the gate and I saw a vehicle waiting for me. Yeah,mom has sent it. So I get on to it and went home. I had a spare key to our house. I unlocked and went in. I took a quick wash and went to my room to talk with Sophie.

There my phone rang and the call was from mom. "There are some food in the refrigerator and if u want anything, the mart is just 3 feet away, just go and buy anything but be safe" I hung up saying "okay mom".

I took a quick call to Sophie and she answered.
"Hey Katie" I replied saying "hey" and we talked about our new schools and we just laughs and said stupid stuff and that's when she dropped the biggest news. It was that "SNSD  is gonna have a concert in of course Seoul." I was so amazed and I quickly went online and got a VIP ticket as always. I was so sad that she couldn't join me, I got another two tickets too for Tina and Kira in case they were interested in going. I hung up with her.

I wanted to go to the mart so I changed into a simple dress and grabbed my wallet and went. As I reach there, I saw a shoe shop. I went in there. I saw my favourite kind of heels. I just went there and grabbed the black heels and tried them on. It fitted perfectly. So I bought it with my money. Just as I stepped out of the store, people start to point at me. I was so surprised like I don't know why they r pointing at me. So i just walked forward without thinking where I was going and bumped into the person. He was well wearing a good,

" I'm so sorry for bumping to u. I wasn't looking where I was going." I said.
"It's okay. Just be careful where u are going next time." I recognized the voice at the first instance.
"Heechul oppa?" I asked.
He looked shocked. "You recognize me?" He asked.
I said "Yes oppa" "I can recognize you just by ur voice"
He said "Wow,u r amazing
I said," I have to go oppa, I jst came to the mart to buy those heels and I met u. Wow,one of my dreams came true. "
He said," It's my pleasure if I made ur dream come true. Take care when u go home. It's nice to meet u ......?"
"I'm Katie oppa,it was nice meeting u too. You are just the same"I said.
"Then Katie, I'm going, see u again"
"Nae oppa"
And so we departed. I came home with a bug smile and I even pinched myself to see whether I'm dreaming or not. Hopefully I wasn't dreaming. When i reach home,mom was there.

"Hey mom" I said. She looked up and smiled. "Can u believe what happened at the mart?" She shook her head. "While I was coming from the shoe shop,I bumped into Heechul oppa". "Are u saying that you met one of the idols?" She asked. I nodded my head.

"Tell me about ur school" said mom.
"It was exciting mom. New school,new classroom,new friends. I met two friends named Tina and Kira. But people were staring at me as usual."
She was happy that I was happy.
It was a holiday for us in the school,so I thought I shud invite Tina and Kira to come to my house.
"Mom,is it okay if I ask Tina and Kira to come over tomorrow?" I asked her.
"As long as u don't mess up the house,sure invite them."
"Thanks mom"

So I quickly went to my room and contacted Tina and Kira and asked them if they could come over and they said they can. I told Sophie that I met Heechul oppa and she was happy too. We talked a bit and hung up.
Dad came home and we ate dinner and we went to sleep. It was a long and tiring day.

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