Chapter 7

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The tiny kit swallowed a sob and thought She won’t watch me. Now she let out a hiss, but it didn’t sound like one because of her constant sobbing and shivering. Rosekit looked up in the sky, and night had now fallen. She stared up at the so-called warrior ancestors in the stars, but now she wondered, were they just… just stars? StarClan was supposed to watch over and protect all cats. But maybe, it was just Clan cats? Or former Clan cats? Her mind was racing, and now her tears ceased. She gathered herself and finally padded deeper into SoulClan territory. Now she was full of fear. The Clan cats’ scents were swarming all over the place, but she could not determine each of them. It just smelled like one huge cat.

                The Clan’s part of the forest looked bright and beautiful in sunlight, and at sun-down, it was drenched with many different colors. If looked at from the top of camp, it would take a cat’s breath away. At night, some would see the forest to be as wondrous as in the time of sun-high. But others felt a cold shiver go down their spine when standing in the vast area alone. A waterfall protected the camp and hid it, for the rest of the outer camp was made of stone. Slippery, smooth rocks were placed in the perfect arrangement on a creek in which the waterfall fell into. At one edge at the end of the territory was a stone cave. This cave could fit around 4 grown warriors, with space to move. But the roof of the cave was very high, yet not curved. Little plants and flowers grew inside of the cave and moss dripped from the sides.

                Rosekit’s heart thumped heavily, yet sped swiftly, as she stood still in the forest. Her breath came out shallow, but she kept breathing. The calico got that cold feeling run down her spine to the tip of her tail when a cool breeze overcame the area.

                It wasn’t long after that she let out a yelp of surprise as a ginger tabby with a bright pink nose and pink paw pads pounced onto the kit. The tabby merely let her weight sag onto the kit as she growled ferociously. Rosekit couldn’t see, but the pink-nosed she-cat’s long whiskers were twitching with amusement. The kit was annoyed and cranky, so she thrust herself from under the tabby, quickly turned, and bowled her over onto the ground. Her anger kept building until she striked the older she-cat’s nose with an unsheathed paw. When she saw the blood bubbling from the wound, she leapt off of the tabby with a gasp and stared at her. But she shook herself slightly, her fur swirling, and took a battle stance, preparing for another attack, but all she got was a light purr. The older ginger tabby got to her paws and looked into the kit’s confused and slightly frightened green orbs.

                “Didn’t expect that from a kit.” She murmured, smiling. The tabby’s eyes glowed before wavering them over the calico then around the woods. “Do you have a mother? Or Clan?” she asked, concerned. But before the smaller she-cat could answer, the older she-cat sniffed the kit cautiously and meowed, “No other Clan scent, more forest scents, maybe a little…,” she paused to sniff the kit again while closing her eyes, “A little of some Clan’s scent, don’t know the name,” she muttered the last part of the sentence before going back to her usual loudness. Rosekit’s heart plummeted as the thought of Calicostripe returned to her. Then the tabby continued, “No motherly or milk scent, you look very scrawny, your pelt is dull-“ Now was time for the kit to cut in. “Yes, yes, all is true. I don’t have a mother or father, I’ve somehow been surviving in this cruel world, I’m somehow not drowning myself in a creek, somehow, I stand before you, a clan cat, not dead or threatened yet. Somehow I haven’t been eaten up by my own emotions, somehow I haven’t been eaten by a fox or badger.” She ranted on and on, slowly creeping from her battle stance, lashing her thick tail and fluffing out her fur. Her eyes narrowed and darkened while she unintentionally bared her fangs, spitting out every word. The pink-nosed apprentice in front of the kit watched her with an uncertain gaze. She seemed like a strong, powerful kit, but maybe too powerful for her own good. But when she heard all of the dramatic thing the kit had gone through, and how she survived without parents in this forest, she must have been watched over by StarClan. Or maybe it was luck and training? Who knows. But what the apprentice knows is that a kit that would seem to be a great warrior should not stay a loner. And other clans, or even cats from her own clan, would have shredded her tiny throat by now…

The pink-nosed apprentice stared at the kit and let her tail rest on her shoulder. The kit stopped speaking at once, her mouth wide before shutting it. Her muscles relaxed and her eyes turned a brighter green. The rising neck fur and puffed out chest had gone flat. She was now calm. Rosekit stared down at her paws, wondering what had gotten into her. “I-I’m so sorry,” she whispered, “I don’t know what got into me.” The calico raised her head, confused and ashamed, to stare at the slightly older and taller she-cat.

What if she goes on a rage attack in the middle of camp?

Slightly worried, but confident enough in what she was about to do, she asked the kit, “Would you like to join SoulClan?”

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