Chapter Twenty two

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“Don’t forget the final official try outs tomorrow. I know you will make it anyways, coach already thinks the world of you. Good luck, bro. I need to rest the bones man!” Tyler exclaims making his way to his already parked car, a glance away from where he was standing.

“Yeah, thanks man!” Shawn replies giving Tyler a manly firm handshake before finding his way home.

Meanwhile Franca was conjuring up different reasons as to why Shawn wanted to emotionally hurt her. Shawn had always been a schemer right before their adolescent. They were quite close then after Tyler had left her for his popularity status at the time. He was a shoulder to cry on, after she had cried her eyes out about the shameful ungentlemanly manner in which Tyler rejected her. As time passed, she viewed him in high esteem almost like an angel. She considered him the brother she did not have.

The Shawn she saw today was a figment of the Shawn she used to be accustomed to. His behavior all of a sudden changed, it was like at the bulb had been sparked to its highest watt in the neuronal connections of his brain. He became distant and witty towards her. Even with the slightest provocation, his response was extreme. In contrast, although Franca was reserved she became more open minded and that got her the friends she currently had.

She could still remember that day, the day when everything changed. Shawn had been sitting on the chair, Franca being jovial with her newfound friends wanted to rile Shawn up in a playful way by putting glue on his chair. Shawn had taken something playful to something malicious. He had told her that he would make her regret what she did, in a chilling voice that still made her shiver, just thinking about it.

How could one be vindictive about what had happened several years ago, when they were roughly 6years of age? Well, this was a rhetoric that even Franca had no answer to. Surely it was something deeper that could make one react as he had reacted?

Weighing up the advantages and disadvantages of confronting Shawn. She found that the advantages outweighed the later. She decided on confronting him to settle this imaginary score, wholly on Shawn’s side than Franca’s once and for all. Enough is enough, Shawn had better tell me what I did that made him hate me so much! Franca shouted internally, a reaction that provided her with how to go next about the current situation she found herself in.

Fortunately enough, Shawn lived 2 miles away from her house. The same house his family lived in before they left. Franca had seen him going to his house, so she knew it was his house. She walked with determination, her stride straight and without falter. In her fiery dark brown eyes, you could see she was a woman on a task. Pausing on her way to the door, she told her parents she was going out, hearing a resounding affirmation, she got into her car to Shawn’s house.

She took deep breaths before proceeding to ring the bell. A mahogany skinned women with curly thick curly hair approached her. She was petite with symmetrical features on her face. Aquiline like features with almond shaped eyes just like Shawn’s. Franca recognized her straight way, after a decade.

“Hi mam, Is Shawn in” She asked knowing fully well that he was. The smile plastered on her face with the fake grin spoke volumes.

“Hey, Franca is that you? You have grown child, why are you acting like a stranger. Come on here and give Aunty Suzie a hug!” she said pulling her into a hug.

“How are your parents? I hope your parents are not angry with us. My husband got a new job and we had to leave urgently. When we got to Seattle, we could not find your parent’s phone number, what with the packing. You must give me your mother’s phone number before you go. Where are my manners, in answer to your question, yes Shawn is upstairs. Go meet him” Suzie said joyfully pinching her cheeks.

“Those cute chubby cheeks of yours”

“Aww, Aunty Suzie, they are not chubby anymore” Franca replies rubbing her cheeks.

“My baby has grown” Aunty Suzie says teary eyed.

“Let me go get a pen. I know you kids, always forgetful. Here is the pen, write me the number”

Franca wrote the number before being shooed off. Aunty Suzie, always lights my mood Franca chuckles before doing making her ways up the direction given to her by Aunty Suzie.

“Hey, anybody here” Franca enunciates slowly whilst softly knocking on the smooth white door with a “knock before you enter” engraving on it. What a rude boy, at his parent’s house for that matter, making rules. Spoilt boy, annoying boy, egocen…”

“What are you doing here? Get out right this minute, traitor!”

“What, traitor, what do you mean!”

“Yeah, act oblivious like you do not know what you did!”

“No seriously, what did I do. All I know is that you changed!”

“Franca, I do not have the patience and time for this right now, leave my house”

“No, this will end today. I want to know what I did”

“Just leave”

“I demand to know, tell me now!!”

“Okay, fine!”

“I was jealous you were going to leave me for your friends. You were all of a sudden always with them and don’t get me started on the glue. You know how I get angry easily, I came into the classroom already angry about you ditching me and you do that!”

“Can you hear yourself? We were six for goodness sake. Get over it, this happened a decade ago. It is so silly, it does not even warrant this confrontation at all!”

“Yeah, whatever. It was a big deal to me, I felt betrayed by my best friend”

“You know what I think, I think it was something deeper and you are not telling the truth”

“Believe what you want, can you please go, I need to get some rest before school tomorrow!”

“This is not over!”

“Right, keep telling yourself that!”

Franca could not believe his responses. This was so silly, she could not even believe she drove all the way from her house for this to happen.   

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