Chapter 1-Reminiscence

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Isabella Marie Swan Cullen

It was already dismissal. I could feel the smile lighting up my face. “School words” often remind me of some of my bossy teachers.. If only they know I'm older than them, older than their grandparents in fact. I bet they won’t exactly start babbling on about “age experience”.

I was on the way to my car, wishing I can use my normal speed for once, when suddenly that human boy named Mike Newton beat me to it. Great. Just what I needed.

“So, Bella, what about that dinner, huh?” he queries and I try my hardest not to make a face.

“What dinner?” I answer innocently.

“You know.. Me, you, picnic under the stars?” 

You’ve got to hand it to teenagers. I envy them the freedom of their era. If he somehow asked me that in my time, by-passers would have had glared at him in all directions.

“Uhm, Mike, let me put it this way, I have a boyfriend waiting for me in Australia.” 

That was so far from the truth that I’m amazed they always believe it, because I am a terrible liar. The thing is that, I’ve never had such a thing as a “boyfriend” and the last time I was in Australia was when it was World War II. 

“But…” Upon looking on my glare, he backed away and mumbled “next time”

I smile with pursed lips and open the car door. 

The drive to my house was a dull one. I sang along to an 80’s country song and press down on the accelerator harder as the tone reaches the adlib. 

Though I hate riding in carriages with fast drivers when I was still human, I love driving as fast as I can now that I'm a... vampire.

The word still gives me a deep chill and I sigh noisily, ruining my rhythm with the song.

It’s hard enough being a different one among human beings. It’s even harder when you’re different from your own kind. 

 Yes, I am a vampire. Contrary to popular belief, garlic, holy water and sunlight does not annihilate me. The cross also doesn’t but I can assure you I worship it with holiness. I am not a sadist. I believe there is a God and I believe he watches over us, too. Yes, I need blood to survive. 

But that’s where my being Catholic kicks in. Yes, I drink blood, But I would never stomach killing a human-innocent or not. I survive through the blood of animals.

 I’m a vampire that had never killed. 

I am, as far as I know, the only one who does not kill human beings. The golden-eyed one. The only golden eyed one .

Like I said, being a human who stands out sucks but being a vampire who stands out even among those who already do sucks more. (pardon the pun)

Immortality has it’s drawbacks, but also a lot of privileges. I never need food, drink, sleep, even air. As far as I know, blood is all our kind has as a basic need.

I reminisced as I made my way to my bedroom. Thoughts of the first day I found out what I am. That vampire, a woman I can never remember the complete appearance of is the one who turned me. All my life I’ve tried searching for her to no avail. But I guess what was done is done and I can never ask her the true reason she made me what I am. 

I woke up alone and with the oddest burn on the base of my throat. Hell was the only thing that can compare. Immediately I grabbed for the glass of water I always place on the night stand before I sleep. But it was not there. The whole house was deserted. The woman, Eleanor, I recall, was the name she told me to call her, isn’t here.

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