Chapter 7-Sight

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Isabella Marie Swan Cullen

I was reading Wuthering Heights in the part where Edgar and Heathcliff were fighting in words.

A new scent came from outside my house.

It was a scent I recognized instantly.

It was his scent.  

If my heart could jump from my chest, I highly doubt if it will not. 

And then the knock came.

What a most unpleasant time to come! I was dressed in a strapless blue top and jeans, And I am a lady! What would my father say if he sees me like this, so, so, revealing instead of conservative. Not my fault, It's a sunny day today, after all...

And then the second knock came.

I had to think fast. I had to get over the honey-lilac-sunshine cologne.

Oh c'mon Isabella Cullen, Why so conservative? He's going to be your brother! for crying out loud! Crap Crap Crap! I don't know the reason why I thought Crap-about him being my brother or about him being here.

Both. I decided dejectedly.

But there's no time to hold on to that thought...

I hurried to and opened the wooden glass door.

As I opened it,I felt like shaking and fainting on the spot. Being a vampire,I knew that phenomena is not possible. Still...

Why do I feel that anyway? Why?

And before I knew it, Beautiful beyond any dream, Glorious beyond all imaginings,

There he stood.

There was a strange knit in his brows, And his lips were somewhat pouted-like he was concentrating very hard.

"Hello" he said, barely audible in my own ears.

He took in my appearance and his face changed. From a wary smile, his beautiful face morphed into one with that of a crooked smile. That made me smile back in return.

I muttered a barely audible "Come in"  we both know he had no difficulty hearing. 

I seated him on my white sofa.

It seemed weird, to put it in today's generation of words-inappropriate to see him sit there and not offer anything just like I did when I was visited by suitors in my past life.

But forget that- Edward is to be my future brother if Alice is to be believed . Brother, brother, brother. 

"What are you grimacing at?" were the words that pulled me into reality again.

Oh! Holy crow! Was I grimacing?. So much of an open book, Bella.

"No, Nothing just remembered something." True. So true.

"Forget lying beautiful, that‘s the Italian meaning of Isabella.. you weren‘t lying about your name in the forest, right? " I nodded, feeling like blushing only I know I am not.  I thank my lucky unlucky stars for that. 

"Bella only." I feel an uneasy thing in my chest when he mentioned the forest.

"Soon, when you meet Jasper, He will be able to tell your mood" He wanted to add more, but seemed to hesitate.

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