Chapter 9-Forgiveness

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 Sorry for the long wait, thank you to those who commented, favorited and helped the typhoon victims. May God bless you! ☺ I recomend that you backread because I myself have forgotten what was happening in the last chapter HAHAHA 

Chapter 9


Carlisle Cullen

Esme sighed and cradled the ring I gave her on our 50th year. 

“After the fight we had about coming to the Volturi-” she paused and passed me a look, quietly asking if I remember. I did so I nodded discreetly.

“I passed lots of empty towns, wondering if you’ll search for me.”

“But then two days passed and I knew you won’t. You valued your family so much more than me that you would rather risk yourself and me-us, just to have the help of the Volturi's tracker. You wanted to ask for their help, knowing the price they’ll want in return, our loyalty to them forever. You knew we would have to give up living on animals.”

I balled a fist. Oh, so now she’s blaming me. I visibly relaxed though, because I had to obey Bella’s words. Listen. Even when it meant hearing how a fool I was to believe in the traitor. 

“I didn’t understand how you could do it to me. We spent seven years together, companions and friends. But you chose them over me. Deep down, I knew you are a father and husband first, and my friend on the last. But still, I hoped. I hoped that one day, you’ll love me as I secretly grew to love you with each passing day, that one day you’ll forget them and make new memories with me.”

“And then I passed a fair on a lonely house. There I saw the answer to your question.I saw your daughter, oh how lovely she is, even with a dress that had gone out of season years earlier and her obvious lack of coin. I knew she was the girl we searched for, her stature, her age, her features.. It was all a haunting replica of yours. Especially her eyes. Even though they weren’t the golden ones you have, the shape of them are identical to yours. Hers were lovely emerald ones that sparkled.”

“I knew what I should have done, run straight to you and tell you what I knew. But it hurt. I knew I couldn’t do it, knowing you’ll leave me once you find her. You’ll abandon me, and again I’ll be alone. Did I want that? Of course I didn’t. I knew it was wrong, but I kept it from you, waiting for you to track my scent here, so in that case you’ll be able to see me and her. If you don’t.. Then I’ll leave her alone and you go kill yourself in Volterra for something you could have gained from me just by wanting to see me again.”

“I knew I could not lose her, she was very precious. So I observed her. I traced a faint scent of something sinister on her. She coughed a dozen times that morning. And then it finally dawned on me, as I remembered one of your patients. She had…she had..the signs of tuberculosis. There wasn’t a cure yet discovered, and for next hour I knew what I had to do, and quickly.  I formed a plan. I am going to stay with her. I bought myself pilgrim clothes, and told her I am one when I knocked on her door. She easily believed me. I stayed with her for the day. I know she won’t remember now..but she was sick, Carlisle, she was very sick. She coughed up blood which didn’t affect me in the least, knowing she is you daughter, someone you love. She was also running with fever, and I cried, oh, I cried, when what I wanted was for you to just trace my scent and see her. I couldn’t leave her. Not then. I was confused. I wanted you to be there, to tell me what I should do. On one hand I knew I won’t be able to leave her, even if she isn’t your child, just because she is an innocent affected by the plagues of disease. But on the other, I knew you would never forgive me for the consequences of what I would have to do if I am going to save her.

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