Chapter 3-Visions

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A/N: This chapter is quite boring IN THE FIRST PART :( I'm warning you! Sorry, I wasn't able to edit it. Thanks for the follows, favorites and comments!  Here goes nothing! Enjoy :)




Edward Anthony Mason Cullen

I heard the presence of another mind. I turned to see my father arriving from his first shift after 90 years from the hospital. He was taking in the sight of Esme and me.

I made a welcoming gesture and Esme followed my gaze. She quickly turned to go into him and peck him in the lips.

She was.. worrying as usual, about how Carlisle's first day went.

I concentrated on the piano after that. Generally, I don't want to hear too much out of their conversation. They have their right to privacy.

Where are the others? Carlisle inquired in his mind.

I answered him and continued with the piano again.


My half-brothers and sisters were finally home.

Emmett was thinking about arm-wrestling with Jasper while Jasper himself was concentrating on Alice's mood.

Alice was grinning from ear to ear. Even if I was not gifted with my abilty to read minds, I would be able to tell that she is in the best of moods. I tried to take a peek at her mind.

Unfortunately, she was blocking me off. I knew then that whatever it was, it involves me more than the others. I frowned in resignation because more often than not, her secrets are to my detriment.  

I raised my eyebrows at her.  She responded by continuing to concentrate on the Philippine National Anthem. 

"What are you hiding, you evil pixie?" I asked loudly.

The others looked at both of us, expressions of puzzlement alight on their faces.

Pixie. Emmett guffawed while Esme mock-glared at me.

Alice shook her head at me again and wagged her brows in my direction. 

"What the hell is going on again? Last time you did that, You broke Esme's favorite chair and tried to hide it from him- from us?" Rosalie asked, annoyed.

"Nothing." Alice said. In her mind, she continued to hide something. 

"A vision?" I asked her.

"No. I said nothing ." Her face turned from the big smile to a serious one.

I only caught a glimpse of a shadowy vision.

It was complicated. It was very hard to understand.

A woman with hair the color of mahogany stood on a field of grass. She had her head bowed but I knew instinctively that she was crying.

Then the edge of blackness appeared again and numbers kept flashing

The square root of pi will only get you so far, I thought nastily.

"What was that?" I yelled, more annoyed now because she made the vision stop and the numbers were making my head spin. Abruptly, the digits stopped and another thought formed on her head:

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