Chapter 2-New Beginnings

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A big thank you from the bottom of my heart to anyone who read the first chapter, especially those who left me comments! This story has been posted and completed on and before if you were wondering ;) My past readers have sadly left those sites already so I reposted this story here to share it with new people. Originally, this has 36 chapters but I edited it last year and made a shorter one with 11 chapters so.. 10 more to go! ;)  Please pardon and if you find it in your heart, appreciate the musings of a 12-year old twilight-addicted child, my age when I wrote this story. Hehe.He. Okay enough said, now I'll leave you to read it. :D 



New Beginnings

Carlisle Cullen

I was at the Forks National Hospital doing rounds on my supposed  first day as a doctor in this town.

Forks didn't change much, it is still it’s usual raining self. It's still green-just like when I, Esme, Edward, Rosalie, and Emmett visited it nearly 90 years ago.

I can feel all eyes boring, especially the female ones staring at my back, marveling at myself.

I wanted to work alone but as that is not possible in this line of work; I just ignored it and pretended it is quite nothing.

I passed the head-doctor smiling, remembering the day he accepted me without hesitation.

At last, my shift was finished and I walked out the door with no word , leaving all the eyes and the screaming minds behind me.


I arrived home and spotted my son Edward playing the piano with my wife Esme next to him wearing a motherly expression.

When Edward spotted me, he looked up and made a welcoming gesture with his hand. Esme followed his eyes and went to my side quickly using our "usual" speed.

Then, she went to give me a short peck on the lips and asked me the usual question.

"How did it go dear?"

"Well, the usual." I said as I grinned broadly.

She gave me a lovely smile in return. Lovely, even for a vampire.

I looked at the room and spotted Rosalie. She was scanning some fashion magazines absentmindedly and was surprised when she heard my query.

"When will your first day be Rose?"

"Hmm? Ahm I think next week, for sure. I haven't been on the school yet, I didn't accompany Alice during the registration."  she answered with a guilty smile.

"But where are they?" I looked around, expecting to see the tiny woman smiling at me but alas, she was nowhere in sight.

"She's hunting, with Em and Jas." Edward said, answering my question.


Mary Alice Brandon Cullen

I was just accompanying my wrestler of a brother-Emmett and my mate Jasper that day for a hunt. I was not particularly thirsty, you see. 

The elk was halfway drained when a vision appeared.

There was a girl, a vampire girl. Just like us. She had on clothes more suited for someone 10 years senior to her age, and she had her ivory lids tightly shut.

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