Chapter 11-Feelings

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Sorry for the slow updates! I had chicken pox yesterday (the day I vowed I'd update.)

Thanks for stickin

CHAPTER 11~Feelings


I made my way to the sofa to sit down and browse my dog-eared copy of Jane Eyre.

Esme sat next to me, and smiled as I grimaced at her not-so-obvious attempt at keeping an eye on me.

Alice sat on the foot of the staircase, Drawing who knows what; all the while earning glares from Rosalie as she giggled. Whatever she draws, it makes her happy. And whatever makes her happy is usually something diabolical.

On the other hand,Emmett and Jasper were out hunting, and dad and..him..Damn, Edward were still away on God knows where.

I bit my lip as I considered what I saw earlier today, the back of the two men closest to my heart in a jewelry shop.

God help me.

I sighed inwardly. Esme stood up, mistakenly satisfied with her observations. She walked until she reached Alice’s place in the bottom of the stairs.

I was the one who observed her this time.

I was really annoyed by the fact that I can memorize the words on Jane Eyre like it was the Alphabet. I narrowed my eyes when Esme stared at Alice’s drawing pad curiously.

“Whose?” Esme asked with her brows raised, but Alice interrupted her with a sudden finger to her little lips.

It was followed by a small smile that resembles one of a Cheshire cat.

Rosalie, curious too, then decided to walk to Alice’s place to inquire-her reaction startled me-she giggled.

“Really?” she asked intrigued.

“Wonderful” I heard Esme breathe.

Now what the hell is going on here?

I walked to Alice’s but I was too late. Huh.

“Don’t tell me your designing another outfit for me Alice? I swear I won’t be obliged to wear whatever you want anytime!” I shrieked.

“Sure you won’t.” she said with a smile.

Rosalie and Esme walked away with smiles plastered to their faces.

“Am I missing something here?” I asked in an annoyed tone.

“Hahaha. You’re not missing anything my sweet Bella, rather, we all know you’re missing someone.” Dad muttered as I realized they just arrived.

I groaned and turned to their figures agonizingly. 

Everyone around us either laughed or giggled. I turned my back to dad, simply because I was embarrassed, and the other because Edward was beside him and that makes it more embarrassing than ever.

I sat down on the sofa again, and closed my eyes as I dreamed of being able to sleep to escape for a while.I tried very hard not to think of the fact that I know someone sat next to me on the sofa, and that someone was much too close.Oh, and that someone smells like sunshine,honey and lilac.

I heard Carlisle mutter “going to the study”.

I heard Esme say she has to make some calls.

I heard Alice and Rosalie say they’ll be watching what was that show? Something that includes models and such.

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