chapter one- hexes

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Draco's POV! 😘
It was an ordinary day, classes were hard, practice was actual shit, and almost everyone at school hated me. As normal of course . I had tried (and grossly failed ) to avoid Potter, mostly because his idiot "fangirls" who had appearrently had sworn to protect their precious baby Potter from all that could possibly hurt him. I qualified as one of those 'things' and if I even went down the same hallway as him stinging hexes would be sent flying in my direction. Believe me when I say this, stinging hexes hurt like hell! They also tended to leave red welts and bruises all over me, which was extremely unhelpful. Today I had unwittingly gone towards Charms class the same way as Potter. This was one of the first times he saw the hexes being cast on me. Maybe I was just dazed from the hexes but I swore it was that Potter who helped me up. Once I figured out I was correct about the Potter thing I quickly pushed him away and got up myself. Not wanting to draw even more attention to myself by daring to even talk to Potter I walked off to the hospital wing. Hearing Potter call after me in his stupidly nice voice just made me walk faster, no matter how much it hurt.
Once I got to the hospital wing Madame Pomfrey came bustling over to me. "What happened Draco?" She seemed tired and stretched thin. " just a few stinging hexes , madame" she tutted at the word 'madame' and I remembered that she hated it. "Sorry, sorry I was just coming to see if you had any worm wood?" I remembered from Snape's class that it could be used to heal welts.
Madame Pomfrey looked pained and shook her head. I faked a smile and told her it was fine. Quickly scurrying away before she could try and mother me in her usual way. If it had been anything else that had caused this I would have stayed, walking as quickly as I could to my dorm. I hoped to merlin that nobody would see me, Pansy and Blaise would have an actually field day with the once great Draco Malfoy all beat up. So far it hadn't been hard to hide the bruises and welts but now I just didn't have enough time to cast any cosmetic spell to cover it up. Soon I was at the door to Slylerthin common room and whispered "cave serpentem Regis." the door swung open and I breathed a sigh of relief not seeing anyone in there. Suddenly remembering they were probably in classes, like I would be if it wasn't for those horrid hmm.. "potterheads" smirking at the nickname I decided it was very fitting. Even though there wasn't anybody there I still ran upstairs to my dorm. Once there I locked the door and began to snuffle through my stuff looking for worm wood or even just bloody bandages! Not finding anything I flopped onto my bed, no professor would notice I was gone anyway (the dunder heads) so the logical thing to do was sleep it off. As I was drifting into sleep I couldn't help feeling like someone was watching me, I would have gotten up and looked around but before U could I was engulfed in darkness. be continued.........
Hey guys!
Also comment if you liked it because this is my first time writing
Also the password for the dorms translates to "beware the serpent king"
Which I thought was fitting.😀

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