chapter 3

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Hermione's POV:

Those two are stupid....
Like Jesus just edmit you like each other already. I rolled my eyes as Harry ran into Charms ten minutes late. I knew that he had followed Malfoy after the 'potterheads' had hexed him. I wanted to punch them for that, honestly? Malfoy wasn't that bad. Besides the name calling and helping death eaters (writer: DRACO IS ADORABLE) Flitwick looked Harry up and down then sighed " have a seat Potter" Harry scurried over to the seat next to mine, Ron had once again managed to piss off Snape and scored detention so he was absent today. For this I was glad because if he knew Harry had followed Malfoy they might have had another little tiff and stop talking, which means that would both start bothering me looking for entertainment. I was not willing to go through that again for at least three days! Flitwick began talking about a de aging charm but I couldn't focuse on his words (which annoyed me to no end) Harry was blushing and not paying attention. As soon as I had written down our homework I grabbed Harry by the sleeve and dragged him to the library, ignoring his protests. Practicly shoving into a chair I sat down panting a little (Charms class is like on the other side of school OK?) "Mione why did you drag me here?!" I stared hard at Harry
"I saw you follow Malfoy Harry." Harry's face went red and he opened his mouth to deny it. "Save it Harry, I'm not Ron I know when your lying" he looked down at his lap and sighed. "OK maybe I followed Dra- Malfoy, but..." Harry trailed off blushing harder and I smiled.
"Harry I'm not mad" He looked up and meekly smiled. "Wait then why did you bring it up?" I looked at Harry, had he really not figured out he liked Malfoy yet? "No reason, must wanted to make sure you weren't .....doing anything..." Harries face become very red at this and he let out a little squeak and quickly ran out of the library, earning a glare from madam Pince. I smiled, Harry defiantly knew about his crush now.
I wonder what him and Malfoy had even been up to.....

OK this chapter is a lot shorter sorry, I wrote on the way to church and then I had to take care of smol kids all day!
I wrote some Hermione for you guys .
Hope you like it!

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