Chapter Five

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First of all that's now my favorite drarry pic! Anyway so thanks for all the reads peoples!!( or polar bears 🙂)
Draco's POV:
Stepping outside I covered my eyes from the brightness. When did the sun happen? Ugh. Trudging across the marshy grounds was painstakingly slow and I wished for my broom, though I knew it wouldn't do any good....
After what felt like hours I finally made it to the quidditch fields and more importantly the broom closest. Holding my broom again instantly made me feel better. Flying had always been my favorite thing in the wizarding world, when I was five I had tried to give all my old brooms to the muggles so they could fly too. My father hadn't been kind after that, said I had to learn. Quickly I learned ;mostly that my father is an abusive arsehole. Other things as well....I guess. Kicking off the ground I flew into the sky, doing cartwheels and loop de loops around the fields. I had always wanted to become a professional flyer but since Potter had come along I would never get an offer.
Lost every time if the Great Harry Potter
Was present, even just in the stands he would get be all hot and bothered. Hot and bothered doesn't win quidditch, focused won. Unfortunately focused didn't happen often for me and so far my team had only won twice this year.
Quickly I zoomed through to hoops and circled around the stands, only stopping when I heard clapping from down below. In horror I turned round to see none other then Potter himself smiling and clapping like we were best mates or something. Touching down in front of him I dismounted and raised my eyebrows. "Why are you here Potter?" He looked down a bit sheepishly (which I did not think was cute at all....) "Uh err well You ran out of the Great hall and... I was....worried"
He mumbled. Goddamnit he was adorable! Just thinking that made me go bright red, oh merlin! I can't have a crush on Potter?! He's well.... Potter!!!!!
Fighting the blush on my face proved impossible and I knew at any moment Potter could look up and see me, standing there like a dumb tomato. "Worried?" Was the only word I could force out without making a fool of myself. Unfortunately saying something made Potter look up, he looked at me in confusion "of course I was worried you're..." Potter trailed off and I blushed even more, get it together Malfoy! I was now internally screaming at myself. You can't have a bloody crush on Potter! He's... now that I think about it..Potter's pretty nice... He's kinda hot too... ARGH enough! No more of this , with that thought in mind I fled across the grounds and back into castle leaving a hurt Potter behind me.
Whelp.....sorry if my writing is a bit wonky, haven't got much sleep lately!😆 anyway comment if you like it so far!

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