chapter four

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Draco's POV😍:

I woke up to a blinding light and Blaise
holding a bucket of water over my head. "Hey Drakey!" Great I thought as freezing cold water was poured over my entire body, the bruises and sores burning from pain making me wince.
"Alright you have like three seconds before Pansy bursts in here to 'politely' figure out why you weren't in classes today so get up" I had an awful headache and Blaises shouting wasn't helping. "Alright bundlehead! I get it, shut up" pulling myself out of bed was a difficult task, the many bruises on my body made every breath hurt. Blaise caught on and helped me to the door.
Right as we were about to escape Pansy
ripped open the door almost slamming into me in her rush to get inside our dorm. "Oh my Drakey-poo! Why would they ever do this to you?!" Rolling my eyes I tried to walk past her but she grabbed my shoulder ignoring my wince of pain and spun me around. "Draco tell me who did this, I'll kill them all" Pansy had an evil glint in her eye, I wouldn't be surprised if she really meant it.
------le time skip😛----

Setting my bag down on the table I pulled out my potions book and skimmed through it not really paying attention to the teens eating around me, eating myself seemed like a waste now a days since I had so much studying to do. While I was reading I sensed someone staring at the back of my head. Whipping around and scanning the tables I saw (to my great shock) Potter staring at me, he blushed and looked away quickly going back to that insufferable Granger. After Blaise had told me to eat something at least 8 times I got fed up and left the great hall feeling Potter's eyes on me the whole way out. Before I knew it I found myself on the roof of the astrometry tower, my favorite place in the whole school. Searching under the blankets kept up here I found a pack of smokes and smiled grabbing my lighter. Smoke blowing out of my mouth, over and over until the entire pack was gone I knew it wasn't healthy but honestly I would be surprised if anyone cared about my health anymore....

Harry's POV:
"So get this" Hermione said pulling me away from Draco's gaze. "Wizards from the early 19nth century actually believed that to make a patronus appear for the time they had to preform a lobotomy!" I nodded starting to get destracted again. Hermione sighed and turned to Neville who had been paying rapt attention to what she was saying. "Really? That's sounds painful " he shuddered and I went to look at Draco again, he hadn't eaten at all and I was worried. Almost instantly Draco shot up and ran out of the great hall leaving his bag and booms at his table. Blaise looked like he wanted to go after him but stayed in his seat. Turning back to the semi interesting conversation at hand I spoke up excusing myself and quickly headed to the door , I couldn't explain why I was following Draco this time. It was almost like an instinct though I knew he wouldn't appreciate the gesture. Wonder which way he went .......

Sorry I haven't updated in so long! Things just kept popping up, please comment if you like this story!!!!

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