chapter two

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Harry's pov🤗☺🤔:

After I had seen Draco be hexed like that
I was stunned, and confused as to why those girls had hexed him. Was there still prejudice against the younger death eaters like Draco? I mean Ron still hated Draco but mostly (I hoped) for all the teasing when we were younger. Honestly I like to think I've moved past that. Sometimes when I saw Draco sitting in the corner or hiding himself behind huge piles of books in the library I noticed things, things like the slashes and scars on his wrists and who knows where else, how small he was now. Draco had always been slender, but this new Draco looked unhealthy and almost skeleton. It scared me that Draco had stopped taking care of himself and now I was gonna do something about it, so before anyone could stop me I ran after him calling out his until I realized it would be better to wear my invisibility cloak and just find him. After a while I found him outside the Sytherlin common room. He whispered something and the painting swung inward. Before he closed the door I slipped inside I wasn't entirely sure why I was still following him.I guess I felt bad or something. Wincing with every step he walked upstairs, I noticed that even with his new timidness and gaunt features he still held himself with grace. After several flights of stairs we reached the eighth floor and I was confused for a second, there was only one door! Then I realized that only three Slytherins actually came back. Draco didn't close the door this time so I just walked in easily. He looked himself over in the mirror then sighed muttering under his breath, quickly he cursed and ran over to close and lock the door. Quickly I began to realize I never actually had a plan for when I found him, and this seemed slightly stalkerish...
Also I was missing classes, that part didn't matter most of it was just recap anyway. I looked at Draco and realized he had keeled right over onto his bed and was fast asleep. I blushed looking at him sprawled across his bed. Stupidly I stepped forward and ruffled his hair, blushing even harder at the sight of his now messy blond hair. Quickly I slipped out of the room and ran to Charms class. As I ran out of his room I felt something fall out my pocket but I just kept going. Merlin's balls that was a bad idea.

God I'm kinda a shit writer sorry...
If you read PLEASE give feedback😁

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