Chapter 7

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Hermione's POV 📚:
"Wait wheres harry?" Sighing I turned around scanning the hall not seeing Harry at all I turned back to face Ron shrugging as I did so. "He probably ran off to see the headmistress or something" Ron looked annoyed but I couldn't really find it in myself to care. Walking into the lunch hall I sat down, swiftly pulling out a few books by a new muggle author i was quite enjoying. Ron huffed and flopped down next to me, grabbing enough food to feed three people or more. I rolled my eyes at that and opened up my book. As i was reading, my mind started to worry about harry. He was obviously capable of taking care of himself. Though i couldn't help but think about all the bad things that could have happened, this was after all hogwarts; not a single year here hadn't been filled with some kind of peril. Slamming my book shut I giggled when ron jumped, causing his plate the fly up and get chips on his head. "Where ya going 'mione?" He picked a chip out of his ginger hair and popped it in his mouth. "Just going to the err.. library! Yeah ok bye" I hurried away hoping he wouldn't follow though i doubted he would ever follow after the word 'library' was spoken. Running up the stairs i nearly ran straight into luna lovegood. Who seemes to be having an rather rude conversation with something in the banister. She smiled looking at me, Hugging me tightly then asking if i had the lastet issue of quibbler and when i nodded she gushed over the artitle in it. Something about ents? I believe. After that she promptly went back to the banister and that concluded yet another strange conversation with luna. Shaking my head I looked back once the see her talk seemed to be getting heated again. Soon I was on the 4th floor and heard sniffling from one of the empty classrooms. Forgetting about harry for the moment I quickly crept to the door and peeked in. I saw something I had only seen once before.

Draco's POV🤕:
Endless tears were streaming down my face, they were hot and my face was flushed. This wasn't how i was suppose to behave. How a Malfoy was meant to act. Just the thought of my last name made me sob out more. Remembering all the things my father had said, all the things he had allowed to happen to his own son. I knew they couldn't reach me anymore, but the people at school could. It had been an awful idea to come back, truly awful. The bruises from the last time i had seen my father hadn't bately faded and those awful Gryffindorks were already beating on me. Calling me names and telling me to go kill myself. My robes were torn and bloodied as was the rest of me. Sniffling more I slowly pulled myself to my feet, looking around the dusty room. A book suddenly fell from a nearby shelf making me have a small sneezing fit. After the attack on my lungs was over I heard the slight sound of footsteps walking away from the and felt the blood drain from my face. Had someone seen me? I quickly rushec out of the room and hurried to madame ponfrey, hoping to get fixed up before anyone else saw me.

Harry's POV🤤
I was frozen as draco startled from the book falling down just a few inches away from my feet. The dust slowly rose and he started sneezing. It was cute. I knew i shouldn't be thinking that but I couldn't help it. He sounded like a baby kitten. I was still worried and out of the corner of my eye I saw a very familiar bush of curly brown hair swishing out of the slightly opened door.
Well shit.

Hello! So i wanted to come back to this story for a while and finally sat down to do it! This was kinda a filler chapter but there will be more to come i promise!
Also the pic is a draw your squad i did, not my best work but draco is a beauty
(As always)
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2017 ⏰

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