Chapter 9: The Sealing Of Demise

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Meanwhile, in the nearby Faron woods, the goddess approached the demon king as he started to rise from the ground where he had landed from Link’s skyward strike.

“Ah goddess.” He laughed regaining his composure. “Maybe you can tell me where you have hidden the golden triangles?”

There to be protected by my devoted people. In a place which you will never reach. A sacred place that evil will never violate.”

“THEY REST IN THE HANDS OF HUMANS?!” He spat in rage. “CURSE YOU GODDESS…” As he said the final line, the goddess raised her hands and a white light swirled around the demon. “WHAT IS THIS?”

“I do not have the power to destroy you… but I can seal you away forever. Your evil shall never walk this world again.”

“WHAT!” The demon king roared and tried to flee but the goddess already had her hold on him. A hole opened up in the pit behind them, where the Isle of the Goddess once rested. With a swing of her arms, the goddess sent the demon flying back and towards the hole. He tried to change form and break free from her grasp on him but the goddess used her magic to stunt his ultimate form and he became a ugly beast with  large black scales across its body and black flame-like spines across its back. The goddess had removed his arms and made it so that if the demon king were to ever escape, he would have a weakness by giving him four large white appendages on each of its feet that resemble toes. These limbs were weak against any form of attack. The goddess sent the creature spiralling into the hole in the ground. A purple light erupted from the hole and before he was sealed, the demon issued a warning.

“DO NOT THINK THAT THIS ENDS HERE! THAT ABSOLUTE POWER WILL BE MINE. AND WHEN THAT DAY COMES, THE DEMON TRIBE WILL RULE OVER THE WORLD AS KINGS!” There was a final flash of light and the seal was complete. The goddess summoned a white stone and thrust it into the hole. With one final wave of her hands, the marks of the goddesses appeared on each side of the stone. The demon was sealed.

“Never again will this monster threaten the existence of my people.” The goddess smiled and disappeared in a white light, her magic taking her to the hero, Link, who should now be safely above the clouds. She was wrong.

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