Chapter 2

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Everything went blank, Olivia's ears were ringing as if she'd just heard a gun shot, or is it a gun shot? Olivia opened her eyes. She freaked out when she realised she was strapped to a bed, lucky was no where to be seen. She looked around desperately, not even a hair in sight, "NO!!" she cried, at this stage she knew she'd never see her cat again. At that moment she heard a cry for help, a cat meow, "lucky?" She called in hope. She was shocked to see the same man bolt into the room with her cat, holding him by the scruff. He meowed and hissed in fright and fury, his eyes showed pain and fear. He let out a big hiss and bit the man on his hand. The man let out a yell in surprised as the cat bolted out the door, "run lucky!!" Olivia screamed as her heart burst out of her chest. She didn't know what to do, all she could do was watch. The man pointed a gun at him, shooting every bullet with skills. A bullet bolted right through his hip, he let out a yowl of pain and stopped on the road. He lay motionless, "LUCKY!!" Olivia screamed as she glanced at the bloody dead feline from the window of the room. She bursts out in tears and ripped furiously at the straps holding her down. She screamed and yelled for help until the guy came back in, "YOU MONSTER, YOUR A IDIOT, A SELFISH AND HEARTLESS COWARD!!!" She snapped in anger with a fearless glare. He snared at her with a grin, "you think your so strong and a hero but your just a little girl with a fowl mouth." He laughed as he stomped closer to her, he pulled a needle and jar from his pockets, he filled the syringe with a greenish liquid. "Stay away from me!! You drugged up psycho!!" She screamed, kicking him in the leg. He grew angrier and held her legs, instantly jabbing her in the leg with the needle. She felt dizzy a while later, he's given her a strong dose, strong enough to make her pass out.
Olivia woke with a headache, her stomach lurched as she remember where she was, she felt sudden pain. She looked down at her stomach, it aches for a strange reason, "how long have I been asleep for" she thought, she began to shake, something was not right. "Where's that guy" her eyes grew big as the guy was sitting near her and had a big grin on his face, "what did you do??" She screamed, his smirk was not normal, she realised she'd been raped, "NO! You disgusting freak, omg how could you have done this too me??" She started to cry, "I'm only a kid, I want to live," she hesitated. Her tears were not enough to convince him, in fact things got worse. She had not eaten, she'd probably die of starvation or dehydration. "Why me??" She sighed, her hopes where so low that she thought she'd never have a life, grow to be adult and be happy. She was sure her parents where murdered so she would have no support and anyone to get her out of this. No one even knows she's missing, she had no family anymore, the only think she had was her cat, he was her only best friend, now he was gone. "Let me go," she begged, "haven't you done enough? killing my only friend, stealing my virginity, kidnapping me, bashing and tying me up, also you are starving me, what sort of person are you?" she was shaking. The guy didn't reply, he just left the room, leaving her scaring and in pain, mentally and physically. "Please help me," she prayed for the police to find her, she attempted to free herself again, she loosened a strap. On and on she went for hours, weak and desperate to escape, finally she wriggled free, she was exhausted. She collapsed on the floor, suddenly she felt a hand grab her, she looked up to see her dad, "DADDY!" she felt a burst of joy, hope and relief. Her vision cleared up and she looked again, to her luck it wasn't her dad but another strange face, fortunately it was a friendly face, a police officer. "Its alright, your safe now," he smoothly spoke to her, carrying her to the car, she felt like falling asleep but something stopped her. "WAIT MY CAT!" she cried, "sweetie is that your cat?" the women police officer asked from the front seat, "yes, his my best friend." She wailed, the police walked up to the body with grieve, the lady pressed her hand to his stomach, "nothing..." she sighed. The guy picked the body up and lay it in the back seat, next to the tired girl. "What's your name hun?" the lady asked, "Olivia... Olivia Green," she yawned. She grabbed the lifeless body and hold it in her arms, it was stale and hard, but she didn't care. She fell asleep with her best friend in her arms. She woke in a warm bed, with clean sheets and nice smells, a nice orphanage, the police lady was sitting their. "I don't know if you knew this but your parents are not gonna be with you anymore, they are well known criminals, with a life time penalty in jail, unfortunately with no close relatives you will have to be rehomed." The lady explained, Olivia just blinked and said nothing, she only nodded, she was shook from all that had happened to her, "where is my cat?" she asked suddenly, ignoring what she was told, "he has been buried in the garden, sorry for your loss." The lady frowned, walking away, Olivia was left alone, she was miserable, even if she was safe now. She felt sorrow, the last thing she did was yell at her cat, "I am sorry, I should have saved you," she cried.

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