Chapter 11

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Cold water ended her up of her stupor the next morning. The young girl had fallen asleep fully clothed and she felt very disoriented when she opened her eyes. By cons, she kept no memory of the time when she had fallen into a deep sleep, almost comatose. Back in her room, she tied her hair before going down the stairs. Most of her friends were already outside. Karen turned to her.

“Wow,” she cried, seeing her. “You look exactly like I feel today.”

Julie sat with her on the back porch near the small staircase.

“You haven’t slept well?” Julie asked her.

Karen sighed, pressing her hands. She told her that Philip had nightmares all night, keeping her awake. He rolled in the blankets, moaning. Now Julie understood better why her friend seemed half asleep. Philip wasn’t in better condition, by cons. But he kept no memory of the night quite eventful. She promised herself to ask him the question later. The memory could return to him during the day.

“Maxim kissed you?” Karen asked suddenly.

The girl sighed deeply without answering. They remained silent for a moment, but Karen wanted to know more. She took a look natural, pending further information. There wasn’t much to tell.

“He kissed me and he apologized. End of story.”

“Rather short as a story. Matthew saw you?”

“It doesn’t matter. He realized he made a mistake during the prom. He would not admit that he did it just to be nice to me.”

“You’re very hard on yourself. Did you know that?”

Julie shrugged. She raised her hands to close the discussion. She tortured herself with that since yesterday and she now had enough. She didn’t want to think about it anymore. Karen finally got the message. Philip joined them to ask Karen to see Nancy for an emergency. A very important discussion that couldn’t wait. Sighing, the young girl got up and went back inside, leaving Julie alone with Philip. She pulled her knees under her chin, looking straight ahead. He began to trample on the spot, looking nervously around them. She asked him if he had to go to the bathroom when he leaned toward her.

“He’s really in love with you.”

Then he walked away from the girl quickly. Julie looked him run, frowning. She didn’t understand why he had to tell her that. She sighed deeply, rubbing her eyes. Let’s move on now. I’m tired! She opened her eyes again and saw movement from the corner of her eye. She turned her head slightly. She could see the sad face of Matthew. She shook her head and turned her attention to the contemplation of the sun reflected on the surface of the lake. She finally went back inside for a drink. In the kitchen, Joel quietly discussed with Nancy. Karen slept on the sofa. The first night at the cottage didn’t seem to have been good for anyone. She poured herself a glass of orange juice before returning to the rear balcony.

The second day at the cottage was going to be hot and humid. Just before the end of morning, some took refuge in fresh water. Julie lay under the hot sun for sunbathing and listening music from the small stereo they had installed outside. Her friends also relaxed a moment before jumping into the water the others. Their small quiet was broken in mid-afternoon when a car came with great pomp in the driveway of the cottage. Maxim and Philip were drying themselves under the sun and heard the noise. Christopher took a towel before heading to the car he didn’t seem to know. Two girls went out of the vehicle, laughing. The driver was wearing a bikini under a large tank top and a mini-short while the other was wearing a light summer dress.

“I told you I would know how to get to the cottage,” Rachel threw, proud of her.

“So you’re really been here?” Dominique asked with a brittle tone. “And you can tell me what you were doing here?”

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