Chapter 13

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The sun was shining through the closed blinds. Julie blinked, blinded by the light too bright. She reached up and found that she was now alone in the room. As if all that had happened the night before was just a dream… Sighing, she got up and went to the bathroom. Still asleep, she wondered if she had dreamed of having slept with Matthew. There was no one in the bathroom. She wanted to take a shower, but she didn’t know if the electricity worked. She raised her eyebrows. Cold water might successfully wake me up. She ventured and was happy to feel the water become warm under her fingers. After a quick shower, she changed and went to the kitchen where emanated a good smell of toast.

“Good morning!” Christopher launched happily, raising his glass of juice. “We have electricity again!”

She smiled at him. Karen offered her juice that the young girl agreed, dropping into a chair beside her. Nancy swallowed the remains of a toast. Rachel entered the room, creating an apparent discomfort. She gave a nod to Christopher before going out on the back porch. The three girls turned to him at the same time, making him blush.

“Have you spent the night together?” Nancy asked.

“Could be…”

All night?” Karen added. “The kind of night a little hectic when nobody really sleeps before a little while?”

He blushed again, but he hastened to replicate them that it wasn’t their business. They laughed, adding he had just given them an answer and betrayed himself at the same time. He apologized profusely, more ridiculous than the other. He realized he was talking too much. He threw that wasn’t the first time Rachel had been here with him and he immediately regretted what he had confessed to them. While laughing, Julie noticed a weird thing from the corner of her eye. Frowning, she turned her attention to the refrigerator. The group photo they had taken the day before had disappeared. She drained her glass, thoughtfully. Nobody seemed to have noticed the missing picture. So the young girl went immediately to something else. She must have fallen somewhere.

They were all very relaxed. The night was less eventful than the first. The beautiful weather attracted everyone outside. Christopher settled the volleyball net with the help of Philip. Joel and Nancy swayed quietly under the big tree while having a conversation that seemed very interesting. Karen rejoined Julie on the balcony.

“Do you think that something happened between them since our arrival?” Karen asked.

“There’s perhaps only one bed, but nothing should happen before their wedding night.”

“Of course! And between you and Matthew?”

Julie frowned, turning her head to her friend.

“What do you mean?”

“There are two beds in your room, I think. Have they both been used last night?”

The young girl felt her cheeks turn red while Karen was laughing.

“No matter what you’ve done, I must say he’s very cheerful this morning.”

Julie smiled. Karen stood up to give a helping hand to the net installers that seemed to have difficulties to install it. Wow! I managed to make him in a good mood? She wondered where he was. She hadn’t seen him since she woke up. The glass door opened and a smell of soap wrapped her. Matthew came and sat beside her.

“Did you sleep well?” he asked.

“Yes, and you?”

“Very well, thank you. I left something in the other room and I was waiting for Rachel to gets up to take it.”

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