Chapter 14

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“But what do you mean?” Matthew launched impatiently.

“He’s distant with me because she told lies about me!”

Matthew seemed very annoyed, but refused to give her what she wanted. She insisted, telling him that she needed his help. Julie became more discreet, wanting to learn more. Matthew gave a little grunt without answering. Dominique pointed again the fact that another girl was trying to manipulate her boyfriend in her place.

“You’re imagining things,” Matthew replied.

“That’s because you’re in love with her! You’re blinded! You should open your eyes, man! She’s using you.”

Julie looked down at the young man’s clenched jaws. Dominique seemed to have struck a sensible spot. She told him that Julie claimed to be interested in him so no one realizes what it’s really going on. Julie frowned.

She tries to make him think I’m in love with Maxim? But why? She could see a smile on Dominique’s face, as the one she had glimpsed earlier in the cottage. She began to shiver.

“Oh! You didn’t know… I’m sorry to be the one that must tell you…”

Matthew didn’t flinch, but his jaw stills didn’t loosened. Julie could see it. Dominique decided to continue in the same way, pushing a little more in the wound that was already deep enough. Remember our conversation! Don’t listen, please…!

“Oh… My poor Matthew…”

“Shut up, please.”

“She plays with you to attract my boyfriend’s attention. I refuse it works. Can you understand? She’s not interested in you.”

“I don’t believe you. And you really think it’s my problem if you can’t keep Max’s attention? Don’t give a shit.”

“As if it was my fault if he looks at other girls!”

“You’re wasting my time. Leave me alone.”

“Matt, I just…”


He pushed abruptly the hand handed by Dominique. He flatly refused to help or even listen to anything from her. Except that the young girl was determined to make him change his mind. She replied that he’ll help her because he didn’t want to lose her now Julie was spending time with him. Seeing the expression on Matthew’s face, Julie knew immediately that Dominique had convinced him. The heart of the young girl sank painfully in her chest. Should she intervene? She looked down at him. She hoped he wasn’t buying a single word, but Matthew asked her what she expected from him. His voice was shaky. Except that he had agreed to listen to her. Julie felt betrayed. She came out of her hiding place, startling the two accomplices. Dominique took an outraged expression. Crossing her arms over her chest, Julie waited patiently for explanations that didn’t come. Nobody dare to speak.

“You can continue your little conversation,” Julie launched on a contemptuous tone.

Dominique shook her head, shrugging.

“We did nothing wrong.”

“You really think I’m stupid.”

She felt a wave of anger rising in her. She really wanted to jump at her throat to strangle her. Why was she still having fun to start false rumors around her? The young girl cast a glance at Matthew. He sighed, looking down. He dared not meet her gaze. When he finally did it, he seemed miserable. She could see the regret in his eyes. He opened his mouth to say something, but Julie strongly suggested him to shut up. He had cringed at the sound of her voice. Her anger gave way to rage. For her part, Dominique continued to chatter the same explanations. Julie couldn’t believe a single word. Matthew had obviously forgotten the presence of Dominique to explain what Julie absolutely didn’t wanted to hear at the moment. She asked him again to shut up.

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