Failing at Being a Family

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First of all, thank you if you'd read this far! I was surprised when this story reached over ten views, let alone how many it has now! This is my first story on here - I'm kind of a newbie. And yet again, please let me apologise for how bad I am at ending chapters.

A few words about my family before you meet them.

For starters, we're kind of bad at the whole family thing. My parents didn't want children, they wanted creations to be proud of. They didn't care about how happy we were or whether we had friends or anything like that, they just wanted us to be successful and famous and earn money.

My oldest brother, Alexander, has the personality of a robot (except for the fact he's an asshole) so it was never much of a big deal for him. He didn't want friends or rewards or anything fun, he just wanted to make our parents happy and to be a success. When my other brother Jake popped out of the womb seven years later, he horrified my parents. They expected someone just like Alexander, someone easy to control. But Jake's a free spirit. He insists on being called Jake instead of his birth name Jacob and whilst he's smart enough to get good marks (he's in college now, and he passed his GCSE's with flying colours) he didn't go along with my parents rules and regulations. I'm surprised he wasn't born giving them the middle finger, to be honest.

I'm a mix of the two, really. I'm like Jake in how I want to defy them and have fun and have friends, but I was always too scared to go against them. So, like good old Alexander, I obey them. I complete the ridiculous amount of work they set me, I never leave the house unless it's with them and until Friday I never made any friends. I probably would've been fully like Alexander if it weren't for Jake teaching me from an early age that what our parents did wasn't okay.

After I revealed my hobby to the girls they'd noticed how my face had gone pale, and they'd been surprisingly worried. After reassuring them I was okay I whipped my phone out under the table and texted Jake, fingers flying in desperation.

Bobby: I never thought I'd say this, but I'm glad you're sick. Can you do me a favour?

He replies straight away, thank god.

Jake: wow, feeling the love. what do you need?

Bobby: I'll explain why later, but first of all, have Mum and Dad checked my work yet?

Jake: no, they just finished nagging me and they're having lunch before checking your stuff. why?

Bobby: This is a really weird request and I promise I'll explain when I get home, but if you go into my room and check the desk there's a drawing of a girl with curly hair and green eyes - now I think about it, she's an Emma Watson lookalike if you forget the eyes. I need you to hide it from Mum and Dad; you know what they'd be like if they found out I spent free time doing something I enjoy.

Jake: sure I can hide it, but the second we're alone you're telling me who this girl is. i know she isn't just a random girl - more importantly, i know you wouldn't just draw a random girl.

Bobby: Thanks, I'll explain later.

Once that crisis was averted I laughed it off with Mel, saying that I'd just remembered that my brother was going to take the piss out of me for it. But Angel wasn't so easily fooled, and she was giving me suspicious looks for at least fifteen minutes, up until the end of lunch. I think she forgot about it during afternoon registration, because she didn't pursue it.

I practically raced home at the end of the day, almost getting run over at least twice. Both of my parents' cars were outside the house, as well as Alexander's. I gulped, prayed that Jake had hidden it well and walked in.

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