Chapter 6 // Pizza Anyone?

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Jackson POV:

I finally managed to pry my mate off me as she left bruises that will heal within seconds anyways. It felt great to have a woman defy me for once. It was a breath of fresh air instead of having a girl follow me around like a lost puppy.

Still my mate needed to obey me and be a little more.. Let's say less violent to her mate. I couldn't help myself as my eyes drift to her nice curves once again, I wonder how it'll feel when we mate. I bet it'll be much better to hold onto instead of gripping my past thin waist. Yes it's sad to say but no, I didn't wait for my mate but I'm 24 years old.

No, I'm not making excuses. Well, kind of.

As I am thinking of this subject did my mate wait for me? Did she have a boyfriend? My teeth grits in anger.

"I'll kill him." My wolf roars in my head and this time I agreed fully, I know it's rude but I can't help asking.

"Are you a virgin?" I blurt out then blushes in embarrassment. "I-I didn't mean to ask like that but I was curious."

I watch as her face contorts from her angry face I'm used to into one of bashfulness.

"Um, yes I am actually." She replies with a bit of a pink tinge to her dark skin.

I try to play it cool and nods uninterestedly but on the inside my wolf and I were moonwalking and doing back flips. I finally snap out of it and see her staring at me expectedly.

"Huh?" I ask dumbfounded.

She chuckles and replies. "I asked are you."

I tense up and pause, seeing her get irritated with my silence. My palms get sweaty and I gulp.

"U-Um.. Want to get some pizza?" I ask trying to avoid the question.

"No, I want a answer." She answers sassily with a neck roll.

"What is that thing you're doing with your neck?" I ask confusedly.

"What are you talking about?" She say as rolls her eyes.

"How can one do a action without knowing?" My wolf asks amusedly and I mentally shrug.

"Nothing. Never mind and to answer your question.." I sigh, looking down. "No, I'm not."

I feel her snatch away from me. "YOU COULDN'T WAIT FOR ME!? I WAITED FOR YOU! WAS IT WORTH IT?!"

"It wasn-" I start and she cuts me off.

"WAS IT!?" She screams.

I've had enough of her cutting me off.

I grab her arms and shoves her against the tree, growling a bit.

"If you'd let me finish. No, it wasn't worth it. I do regret it, I honestly do. It wasn't fair to you and I'm sorry." I say genuinely, staring into her chocolate brown eyes.

"I forgive you." She says with a sigh, her eyes avoiding me at every chance she gets.

"Look at me." I say softly but she makes no attempt to. "Look at me!" I raise my voice at her slightly, this time she complies.

"I really thought that the Moon Goddess wouldn't give me a mate, I was 20 and mateless, while the people in my pack were finding their mates at 16. I lost hope and I'm truly sorry for not waiting." I say as I let her go. "But I will NOT let you get away from me." I growl out and presses my lips to her soft ones.

She did something I never expected.

She kissed back.

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