
22 1 1

My mom reached up and hugged my father. At least I thought he was my father. What if my parents were fake? What if my life was fake? I felt all the color drain from my face.

"Something wrong, darling?" the man holding me said in a gravelly voice. I looked up at him and I hoped my eyes said what my mouth couldn't.  The man slapped me and I know it left a welt. I felt blood dripping down to my neck and I realized that the man was wearing rings. The wound started to sting and I flinched from the pain.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. So very weak." he said with a look of disgust on his face "And may I add very ugly too." I didn't want to look at his face anymore. I turned to look at Kile. Somehow, he managed to undo the bindings on his hands and he was punching the guards holding him. That gave me hope. Maybe he was strong enough to fight them all off. I looked around to count the guards. There were about seven and he had already taken down one of the guards because of a broken arm. He took down another by kicking the man in the knee and the man instantly crumpled to the ground. Kile looked over at me.

"Fight back Spencer!" I looked up at the man holding me. I waited until he was distracted, pulled up my knees and kicked him hard in the stomach. He grunted and dropped me. I hit the ground and felt the wind knocked out of me. The man was doubled over in pain and I took that as my chance at freedom. I hit him in the ankles and he fell over. Kile came over and I realized that he had taken down the other guards. But where were my parents? They weren't in the room anymore. Kile untied my legs and arms and helped me up.

"You ok?" he asked me, inspecting the gash on my cheek.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said. "Where are my parents?"

"I don't know, they left as soon as I started to fight the guards." Kile answered. "Let's get out of here before more guards come." he said. I followed him out of the room and into a hallway with bright, white lights. We walked down and entered into some kind of lobby.

"The doors don't seem to be guarded." I said as we looked around.

"This seems just a little too easy." Kile said. I watched as he tested the doors to see if there was an alarm. We walked outside and saw that the sun was already setting. We were in the middle of nowhere.

"Come on, let's find somewhere to stay before it gets too dark." Kile said as he walked towards the fields that surrounded us. I followed him and it felt like we had walked for hours, even though I knew it had only been about half an hour. I turned around and barely saw the tiny lights that represented the building we were trapped in.

" I think this is far enough away." Kile said.

"Yeah, I guess so." I answered as I sat on the ground.  I reached over and pulled up some of the the tall, green grass and began to create a bundle of it. Kile gave me a weird look.

"I'm making pillows." I said.

"Good thinking. Were you a Girl Scout or something?" He asked me.

"No, but my parents took me on several camping trips." I immediately felt a piece of my heart shatter.  Tears started to fall down my face and I quickly reached up and brushed them off. I went back to making the pillows and I realized that Kile hasn't spoken in a while. I looked up and saw him staring at me with a concerned look on his face. 

"You now I could use some help." I said, trying to change the subject. He didn't say anything and grabbed some grass to start helping. I finished making my pillow right as the daylight was sucked away by the night. I started to rip up more grass and make it into a makeshift bed.

"You aren't going to weave a blanket now, are you?" Kile asked and laughed.

"I wish I knew how to, it's freezing out here." I said as I laid down and tried to get comfortable. As soon as my head hit the "pillow" I realized how tired I was and drifted off to sleep.

I opened my eyes and looked around. Everything seemed kind of hazy. I was inside my old room but everything was covered in a white mist. There was someone in front of me and he turned around. I realized it was Kile.

"Kile? Is that you?" I asked. He didn't say anything. He seemed really sad.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"They're coming. You have to listen. Don't trust anything they say to you. They are lying about everything." He said in a worried tone.

Soon, I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. He turned towards me and vanished. The door opened and my parents walked through.

"Honey? Why are you awake?" My father asked me. I decided not to say anything about Kile being in here. My parents walked me over to my bed and tucked me in.

I woke up in cold sweats and realized that was where I had seen Kile before. I used to have that dream almost every week. It was still early and the sun was just starting to come up. Kile was still asleep, so I woke him up. I went over and talked him on the shoulder. He snored and rolled over.

"Five more minutes..." He mumbled. I shook him harder and he bolted straight up.

"Huh? What's wrong?" He said with his eyes alert.

"Nothing's wrong, but I figure out where I've seen you before. I've had dreams of you. I would wake up in my room covered in a white mist. You would be there, warning me not to trust my parents." I told him.

"Ya, I've had those dreams too, except I had to warn you." Kile said. "That's how I knew where to find you." He said in a tired voice. "How do you get up this early in the morning?" He asked in an irritated voice while running his hand through his hair.

"That's not going to fix it." I said, reaching up to fix his bed hair. "It looks like you rubbed a balloon on your head." I started cracking up. He shoved my hand away and kept trying to fix it.

Sorry I haven't posted in like forever! I've just been rlly busy because summer just started. I'm already sunburned...ugh. Well, anyways, I hope you like the chapter. It was longer than usual because I had more time to write it. Leave comments!

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