The Dusk of an Old Day

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I was forgotten, ignored, only thought of when they needed something from me, not just to hang out.
{different end to BoO}
I was in the throne room think about how Calypso left me after we got to the main land. While all the others (all the rest of the seven along with Nico, Thals, Reyna, the Stolls, Katie, Malcom, Clarisse, Chris, and Jake) were given god hood for saving Olympus, when my train of thought was broken by a booming queen, more commonly know as Zeus said "is there anyone else?" No one said anything but my father, "What about MY SON!" "He doesn't deserve godhood!" Came the response of many, like the new minor gods, and the major ones as well, except for Hestia and Hera, because when he sacrificed himself for his family, she grew a soft spot for him. My father stood up and yelled "Why not!? He is the one that defeated Gaia, not Percy or Jason or Frank. No, Leo did. Did anyone else build the Argo II, no. I am ashamed to call you all my family!" He was about to say more but I shook my and said. "It's alright father, you do not need to defend me." I said in a calm voice, but my eyes betrayed me, by showing the pain, betrayal, and loneliness. Before he could say anything else Zeus said "On with the Celebration!!" Everyone cheered and ran out the door way, and all the gods flashed out except my father, grandmother, and grand-aunt. My grand mother and grand-aunt said "I would like to bless you, if that's alright with you and Hephaestus?" I was shocked, but I nodded my head anyway.
They shot orbs of power at me, Hera said "I have given you power over the mind, meaning that no one can enter or sway your mind and gave you telekinesis, as that is included." I was shocked, but nodded my head, hugged her and said "thank you, Grandmother." She beamed when I called her grandmother and hugged me even tighter, before letting go and looking at Hestia. I was enveloped in an amber light . "You now have more control over fire, can teleport with fire, as well as being able to summon any home cooked meal." Then my father said that he made me partially immortal, like the hunters, but I regenerate faster.
When he handed me an amber forearm guard with black specks, as well as a gold watch, he told me that when I press the bronze button on the side of the watch it would turn into twin axes. and if I press the gold button is would turn into a forging hammer. If I flicked my left wrist, the arm guard would turn in to an amber bow, and if I pulled the string back a Stygian iron arrow would appear notched and ready to fire.
Hestia gave me a brown chain necklace and told me that if I placed it on the ground and said open, it would turn into a two person tent on the out side, but on the inside it was the size of a two story house, completely stocked with ambrosia, nectar, unicorn draught, food, and water in the kitchen. The living room had a fire place and three couches in an upside down u formation facing the fireplace in the wall. My bedroom was behind the living room, complete with an amber master bed, walk in closet, as well as a bathroom. The upstairs had a forge, weight room, and arena filled with mechanical dummies, and an archery range.
They told me I was as strong as a weaker Olympian, like Mr. D.

Name: domain. status
Percy: fresh water, lakes, and time. Major (not an Olympian)
Annabeth: architecture. Minor
Piper: beauty. Minor
Hazel: Gems. Minor
Frank: shape shifters. Minor
Jason: wind. Minor
Thalia: Lightning. Minor
Nico: shadows. Minor
Reyna: leadership. Minor
Connor: mischief. Minor
Travis: pranking. Minor
Katie: growth. Minor
Malcom: wisdom. Minor
Clarisse: battle. Minor
Chris: agility. Minor
Jake: machinery. Minor

Leo Valdez Lover of the NightDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora