Ch. 1

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Jasmine's POV
"There's something us magicians like to say. The closer you look, the less you see. But today, right now, I want you to look close. Closer." I instructed, capturing the crowd's attention.

"Good, now I need a volunteer." I called out, spinning around looking for someone.

I saw a young girl clutching to her mom. She had adorable pigtails and was looking at me in awe.

"You." I smiled, pointing to her.

"Little girl with the pigtails, can you please come up here?" I asked politely, squatting down to her height. She nervously stood in front of me, staring at the ground. I pulled out my deck, shuffling it as I spoke to her.

"Can you help me with my trick?" I asked her softly. She looked up at me, quickly nodding. I stood up, looking out into the crowd again.

"Ok. Now watch closely. I'm going to flip through these cards. As I do, remember the one that sticks out the most to you. Not this one, that's too obvious." I said, showing the bottom card.

I flipped through the deck quickly.

"That was a little fast. I'll go again." I flipped through again.

"Did you see a card?" I asked, knowing the answer. Seven of diamonds.

She nodded, still not talking. I fanned out the deck in my hand in front of her.

"Do you see your card here?" I asked, bending down to her height.

"Um... No." She answered quietly, looking over the cards.

"That's because you're looking too closely." I smiled, laughing at their confused faces.

"And what have I been saying all night. The closer you look..." I trailed off.

"The less you see." The crowd finished.

I smiled, throwing my cards up into the air. I turned around and looked at the tallest building in front of me. Different windows lit up, making the seven of diamonds appear on the side of the building.

The crowd stared in awe, giving me a round of applause. The baseball hat I put on the ground was filled with dollar bills. As people filed out, I went over and pocketed the money. Putting the hat back on, I bent down to pick up my cards.

As I was piling them in my hand, the same little girl came up to me. She looked down shyly, shuffling her feet.

"I just wanted to say thank you for letting me help. You're really good." She told me quietly, giving a cute dimpled smile.

"Awe, thank you! But really, it was my pleasure getting to work with you." I smiled, poking her stomach.

"Here." I told her, making a flower appear. It was really just up my sleeve, but shh.

"Thank you." She giggled, running back to her mom.

I finished picking up my cards, when I saw one different from the rest. I reached out and picked it up, looking to see what it was. It was a tarot card. On the front was a woman sitting in a golden chair, with the words Justice written underneath. I flipped it over, and on the back was an eye with information on it.

"March 29, 4:44 pm. 45 East Evan Street, New York, New York." I muttered to myself. That's only a ten minute walk from my apartment.

Everything seemed to snap in place. I was handpicked to join the eye! The eye is only the greatest thing to happen to a magician. I squealed, jumping around. It started raining but I didn't care. I threw my arms out, spinning around.

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