Chapter 6

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(Pic above is Jasmine's outfit for last bit of the story)

Jasmine's POV

As we popped up on top of a building overlooking the city, the crowd erupted into cheers.

"Hello, New York!" Henley shouted to the crowd as we appeared and they saw us.

"Thank you for the magic. And thank you for being such an incredible and dedicated audience." Daniel began.

"Unfortunately, like all good things, it must come to an end." Merritt said, causing the crowd to sadden.

"So we would like to start our show tonight... By saying goodbye." I finished.

"All we wanted was to bring the world to a magic show." Henley told the crowd.

"And thereby bring a little magic back to the world."

"This has been one hell of a ride for all of us. But it's time for us to disappear." Merritt concluded.

"Good night, New York. And thank you for believing in us." I smiled, giving a final wave to the crowd. We ran off the top of the building and jumped. As we jumped off "we" turned into money that fluttered to the ground.

We landed onto the roof of the building below and ran. Once we landed on the streets we saw all the different screens in Times Square that was broadcasting about us.

After admiring it, we quickly ran off to our last destination that we were given.
We got to the gate of where we were supposed to go. I picked up the chains that were wrapped around it.

"It's locked." I announced.

"Weren't you listening? Nothing's ever locked." Jack said, walking forward and making his grand entrance.

"Well done, Mr. Wilder! Good work." I laughed, all of us giving a round of applause.

"You're a big boy now, Jack." Merritt teased.

Jack unlocked the gate, allowing us to walk in.

"What if all this was just leading up to us getting mugged in Central Park at 2:00 a.m.?" I wondered out loud.

"No, I'm telling you, we're right where we need to be." Daniel insisted.

"We just have to find..."

"That?" Merritt asked, pointing to a tree that had a card encased in glass in it.

"The Lionel Shrike tree."

"And the card encased in glass."

"What do we do now?" I asked, looking around.

Henley pulled out her tarot card, all of us following suit. I handed mine to her, but it piled itself onto Henley's card like magnetism. Everyone else did the same thing, then Henley swiped the card over Lionel Shrike's card.

Behind us, carousel music began to play and the carousel started. From the shadows, a figure walked out. And it was none other than... Dylan Rhodes.

"Oh, my God." Merritt laughed.

"I did not see that coming." I smiled, shaking my head in disbelief.

"That's impossible!"

"No way."

"That was actually pretty good." Henley said, clapping,

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