Ch. 3

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(Pic above is her outfit)
Jasmine's POV

We stepped out of the police car they had all five of us squish in. We were escorted into the station, getting cuffed.

"Oh, kinky. Handcuffs." I joked sarcastically.

Apparently, my joke wasn't appreciated because Daniel scolded me with a, "Knock it off Jasmine. Be serious for one moment."

"Well damn Daniel. Just trying to lighten up the situation, didn't know bitchy Daniel was present." I joked, resulting in a kick to the back of my knee from Daniel.

With my hands behind my back I almost fell on my face. I whipped around, glaring at Daniel.

"Daniel Atlas, you better say your prayers because I will skin you alive and roast you over a fire." I growled.

"Alright, put them all in different interrogation rooms." One officer said, lazily directing us towards the rooms.

As everyone was pushed into a room, I stopped the officer escorting me.

"Can I request to room with another person?" I asked, flashing a megawatt smile.

"No funny business, no magic." I told him honestly.

"Whatever." He mumbled, pushing me into the room Jack was in.

I sat down in the chair as he unlocked my handcuffs. I stretched my arms out, but my wrists were quickly locked in the cuffs attached to the table. Across from me was Jack who was already comfortably slouching in his chair taking a nap.

The officer left and I rocked on my chair, bored as hell. I maneuvered around until I could grab the cards from my back pocket. I shuffled them around, doing card tricks by myself.

"Jack, you're so boring." I sighed.

I piled up all my cards, taking one at a time, and threw all of them. Jack had taught me how to throw them so quickly I could cut through things. Right now I just threw them so they hit his face lightly. All he did was move his head slightly.

I reached out my leg, kicking his chair. It teetered a bit, and I took the chance to tip it over. Jack fell over but his wrists stayed on the table. He got up, looking confused.

"Well damn Jazzy, what the hell was that for?" He asked, looking at me like I was crazy. Which I kinda am. No regrets.

"I'm bored and you were sleeping." I rolled my eyes.

"Wanna see a card trick?" I asked, grinning excitedly.

"Sure." He drawled, getting his chair back up and sitting down.

"Ok, my hands can't move too far so bear with me."

I shuffled my deck, then fanned them out in front of him.

"Pick a card, any card." I smirked.

He grabbed a card, quickly looking at it.

"Ok, sign it then put it back." I instructed, giving him a pen and then shuffled the deck again.

I fanned them out again, but face up.

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