Ch. 2

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Jasmine's POV

1 Year Later

"Merritt McKinney."

"Daniel Atlas."

"Henley Reeves."

"Jasmine Scott."

"Jack Wilder."

As our names were announced, our faces flashed onto a screen. We all stood on the stage, but none of us could be seen considering the lights were all off. I took in a deep calming breath. Everything had to go perfectly tonight. We had gone through every possibility. It was fool proof. But anything can happen.

I cleared all the negative thoughts from my mind. Tonight is going to be amazing, leaving everyone in awe. Not only will we pull off one of the greatest magic tricks, we'll have all the pieces in play.

I felt confident in tonight. And not only will we pull this off, I'll look hot doing it. (Pic above) Henley curled my hair to perfection and pinned it to the side, and did my makeup which consisted of enhancing my pale skin, making my eyes pop, and putting on red lipstick.

And even better about tonight, Jack looked freaking hot! He was wearing black dress pants, a black button down, black suspenders, black dress shoes, and his hair was spiked slightly in the front.

"Arthur Tressler and the MGM Grand proudly presents, The Five Horsemen." The announcer spoke through the speakers.

The crowd cheered loudly as stage lights turned on and we stepped out.

"Thank you." Merritt started off.

"Tonight we would like to try something that will, well, set us a bit apart."

"For our final trick, we're gonna do something never before seen on a Las Vegas stage. Or any stage for that matter." Daniel continued.

"Ladies and gentlemen, tonight... we are going to rob a bank." I announced, smiling as the crowd cheered louder.

"That's a lot of excitement for a crime." Daniel laughed.

"I'm getting excited. What about you, people?" Henley asked, getting the crowd to cheer even louder than before.

"Okay, okay. Now, please, please, settle down." Daniel quieted the crowd.

"Now who here has a bank they would like us to rob?" He asked, looking through the crowd. Lots of people raised their hands, wanting to be a part of our show.

"That's a lot of people with a vendetta." I joked, making the crowd laugh.

"So we'll choose one at random then." Daniel decided.

Jack, Merritt, and Henley all went to the crowd with bowls of pingpong balls. Each ball had a number on it.

"My associates will make sure it's random. Right?"

Jack bounced a ball over to Daniel, who caught it and showed it to the crowd.

"Section B. Where are you section B?" He asked, and the section cheered.

"Thank you, Merritt." He said as Merritt bounced another pingpong ball.

"We are looking at row number 5. Where is that?" Their row cheered.

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