S1: Snowy love (Sam X Grian #Griam)

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Okay, these are some things you need to know about this book:

These stories will be organized by the name of the story, and by the S(number) things. They basically mean the story number or chapter...I don't really know! XD For instance, this is S1 or story 1. Yep, that's it. Also I didn't know what to do for the first story so I did Griam. I will probably make the story up as I go along. Also this will be in third person, and this is my first time(on WattPad) writing in third person. If you feel it's bad, give me the criticism!

Okay, enough rabbling! To the one-shot!!!!

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Third person POV

Sam was walking over to the playground to meet up with his friends. It was a rather chilly day outside. The winds were crisp and cool; blowing little speckles of snow on to Sam's bright red nose. He shoved his hands into his pockets as the blowing got more fierce. Snuggling his face in to his striped scarf, he hoped to find his way soon. All he could think about was seeing his friends' faces light up with excitement as soon as he arrived. Everyone from school was there, even the teachers. They were all waiting for Sam before starting to play anything. Through the crowd, Sam made his way over to Grian and Taurtis; his two best friends.

"Hey guys! What's up? " Sam called as he finally got past the people towards them.

"Oh, hey Sam! Okami was just going to set up for a snowball fight. The teams are going to be randomly picked by this jar." Taurtis exclaimed while pointing to a jar with pieces of paper covered in scribbles of names.

"Yeah, I'm really hoping we all get the same team." Grian said; rubbing his upper arms, conveying that he's obviously cold.

"Well, I'm not! I want to to whoop all your butts on the field! " Sam cockily retorted, holding his rabbit ears, and cold head high with a huge smirk.

"Never gonna' happen because I will first! " Taurtis beamed as he pestered Sam by flicking his nose; making it twitch in cutely like a rabbit. Grian just sighed at the fact that is foolish friends were embarrassing him in front of everyone. Soon enough, Okami picked the teams. Each team had 5 people. Team green had Silly, Grian, Ellen, PD, and PePe. Team red had Sam, Yuki, Chan, JTS, and Seb. Team blue had Taurtis, Salex, Prime, Star Force, and Invader. Team yellow had Patty, Soul, Sookie, Okami, and J. And finally, team purple had Dom, Galaxy, Hidden, Pielord, and Yuro. Rowan was the referee with Pete. All the teams had 15 minutes to build forts, and gather as many snowballs as they can.

"3...2...1...GO MAGGOTS, GO.....OH, AND YOU TOO HONEY! " Rowan blared. Each team got to work, with one person directing their team on who should do what. Some were making their forts with precise planning while others were making perfect circular snowballs. The 15 minutes flew by fast. "TIME IS UP!!! ON MY COMMAND! READY, SET, FIRE!!!!! " Rowan declared. As on time, snowballs were flying left, right, and center. It was as if this were a real war, people were being taken out very quickly. Of course they were the weaker of the groups. PePe just let Patty hit him so he didn't have to get hurt by Dom's group, team purple. Invader was a real dummy. She expected Sam to not hit her because of her 'bewitching good looks' but she was very wrong. In fact, Sam hit her extra hard in the jaw because of all the times she tried to flirt with him. Like vengeance. Sookie, and Soul got out almost immediately. They were just wasting snowballs; throwing them in the air, too afraid to aim. They were taken out by team purple. Just a few minutes later, and everyone was out but Sam, Grian, Taurtis, J, and Dom; just one person on each team. Sam clutched two snowballs in his frozen hands behind a tree, waiting for any unlucky enemies to pass by. Those enemies were J, and Taurtis. Taurtis was running away from J, who was chasing him with a million snowballs flying towards him. It was the perfect trap. With a throw of two hands, Sam hit them both on the back.

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